Sentences with phrase «present powerful methods»

Our professional development workshop leaders use firsthand knowledge and experience to present powerful methods for teaching mathematics and model these strategies in their instruction.

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Anthropologist Shara Bailey, an expert in ancient human teeth at New York University in New York City, says that «the barium method is novel and appears to be even more powerful» than previous approaches, adding that despite small sample sizes, «the authors present a strong argument for the utility of this method for extrapolating weaning history.»
Powerful juxtapositions that tempt taboo, such as Glenn Ligon's Notes on the Margin of the Black Book, 1991 — 93, as threatening cyclorama for Paul McCarthy's Michael Jackson Fucked Up Big Head Big Foot (MJFUBH), 2010, exemplify the extreme potential of this method to complicate both past and present.
Given shape through the application of resin, the disembodied sentinels are both ethereal and distinctly present, powerful signifiers of the many bodies lost in our ongoing political struggles, including, of course, Newton — a primary figure in a movement that defined itself as strictly political, without the church affiliations that characterized Martin Luther King Jr.'s methods.
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