Sentences with phrase «present stage»

She also presents a staged «living room» installation that visitors can interact with and sit in.
On display are a series of modified decorative plates and kitchenware that present stages of transformation that the invented bacterial cultures create.
Müncher Kammerspiele presents a stage adaptation of Ryan Trecartin's video The Re'Search.
But Sunshine presents its stages as open - world sandboxes but, fun though they may be, they're not quite that.
And how James fills the bill by adding his young protégé Chiles Stanton (Gossip Girl's Leighton Meester), a former beauty queen with a clear and present stage fright.
Investing Photo Credit: Bob Merco Zachary Scheidt presents Stage is Set for IPO Rebound posted at ZachStocks.
Parktown The National Children's Theatre presents stage adaptations of classics, contemporary plays and educational theatre to the acclaim of critics and joy of audiences.
The Baghdad - born, Houston - based artist presents staged photographs and sculpture derived from the pages of his sketchbook to tell the story of the Islamic mystic poet Mansur al - Hallaj (858 - 922).
They will present a staged reading of a piece developed at their recent We Want Theater!
In Preparatory Notes (2014), Macuga expands on the function of demonstration and performance in her tapestries, presenting a stage set for a production based on an unpublished play by legendary German art historian Aby Warburg.
Baxter St at the Camera Club of New York presents stages, an exhibition of photographs and drawings by 2016 Workspace Resident Katherine Hubbard.
The University of Washington's World Series at Meany Hall will present the stage performances by TBDC from Feb. 4 - 6 and as part of a community - wide retrospective of choreographer Trisha Brown's large artistic legacy.
Spanish / Argentinian artist and Iaspis resident Amalia Ulman presents the staged lecture Agenda at Index; A body trapped between the carpeted floors and ceiling tiles of her DTLA office, a dreamlike storyline of cons and scams, economies of appearances and the rise and fall of Bob The Pigeon.
So far Faraday Future has presented a stage car in the form of the FFZERO1 concept along with demos and teasers of its supposed bread and butter: a modular platform, crossover - shaped vehicle that will likely be marketed as a ride - sharing car with a possibility for semi or full autonomy down the road.
In February, Center Director Jim Thomas presented his Stage 2 Workshop, Gaining Traction — Get to Softenings Workshop for the 2nd Time.
Responsible for establishing the organization, having more than 500 employees today, from initial stage to present stage of $ 50 million in the market
Spanning four monumental canvases, The Voyage of Life takes viewers on a journey through Childhood, Youth, Manhood, and Old Age, presenting each stage as progress along a grand but treacherous river.
That those beliefs are difficult to impose in the present stage of European integration notwithstanding, Europe has long been wary of nationalist parties, and many countries have implemented electoral systems that deliberately marginalize those groups.
But at the present stage of European integration, it may be difficult for any European government to put into legislation many of the sentiments espoused by nationalist parties, such as immigration reform, opposition to economic integration or the protection of what they see as their national culture.
Now although Christianity leads human thoughts and aspirations far beyond the limitations of this present stage of existence, and is thus in a sense an other - worldly religion, it is also incurably earthly.
These questions take us far beyond the present state of our discussion, and I suspect that the present stage of philosophical development is not yet prepared to answer or even perhaps properly to formulate such questions.
The present stage of any given process, that is, the stage of becoming, has the essential characteristics of being half - developed, half - revealing, half - concealing, in short, imperfect and absent from the fullness of being in the future.
It's a sickness typical of the present stage in our decadent era.
Is it possible to imply a unity underlying them all, or must they remain distinct at our present stage of understanding?
The present stage of globalization is a remnant of colonialism.
There are two major features of the present stage of globalization.
Balasuriya argues that the present stage of globalization is a remnant of colonialism.
In a certain sense Professor Dewey sums up in his own philosophy the present stage of development of American culture.
Humanity is not simply trapped in the present stage of perversion but has a future.
I believe that it is necessary for us to recover a certain salutary humility before we can discern pattern and purpose in our present stage of human existence.
If such a group is an ongoing one it is also a good idea for the women and the men to meet in separate groups from time to time, since women and men, at our present stage of evolution, always behave differently in the presence of the other sex.
Second, at the present stage of psychological knowledge it is impossible to predict with any degree of accuracy just which six people out of any one hundred drinkers will become alcoholics.
Humanists are themselves prisoners of a closed - system and, since they believe in it so tenaciously, they have no gospel of any kind to offer to the weak and struggling, and can offer neither hope nor security beyond the ills and accidents of this present stage of existence.
Treating him like the baby he is isn't «babying» him, it's relating to him in his present stage of life appropriately and lovingly.
During the present stage, the hard tissue surrounding the teeth is developing, along with the enamel and crown.
The Chairman of the Public Interest Accountability Committee (PIAC), Joseph Winful, has expressed doubts about the capacity of the Heritage Fund in its present stage, to meet the needs of the Free Senior High School policy.
At the present stage, with a reasonable start in understanding the structure and working of individual cells, neurobiologists are in the position of a man who knows something about the physics of resistors, condensers and transistors, and who looks inside a television set.
«We wish to emphasize that inviting speakers at the present stage under pressure and threat does not enhance a positive atmosphere for this conference or any conference of this caliber,» the letter concludes.
The instructions are fairly specific: «All applicants,» writes NIH, «should be evaluated in a manner appropriate for the present stage in their careers.»
The instructions are fairly specific: «All applicants,» writes the NIH, «should be evaluated in a manner appropriate for the present stage in their careers.»
«At the present stage, it is a proof - of - concept study,» Ye said in an email.

Phrases with «present stage»

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