Sentences with phrase «present the evidence for»

Behe presented the evidence for his hypothesis, Ken Miller proved how each piece of evidence he put forward was false, and the theory of evolution once again proved to be the top candidate to explain the phenomena of biological changes over time.
So says the blurb on the back cover of «The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief», by Francis Collins and published in July by Free Press.
No, I presented evidence for consideration which you summarily dismiss out of hand as not being possible to use for that purpose.
Kyle: Present evidence for even one of the miracles that you are claiming.
Along more conservative lines, a distinguished German scholar, Martin Noth, has recently proposed and presented evidence for a more ancient source than J (he does not commit himself as to whether it was an oral or written source) underlying both J and E and utilized by both.
Certainly a comical god might exist who presents no evidence for himself and tricks humanity and only interacts with our time and space on occasion, but that doesn't describe any god being worshiped today.
now, you can try and try to show that indeed, no intelligent person does nt believe in evolution as you have defined it, namely necessarily excluding any external entity To which I would simply point to the scores of scientists who believe in ID / Theistic evolution, also including Francis Collins the leader of the Human Genome Project and the author of «The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief»
Are you aware that Francis Collins wrote a book The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief within which he discusses the definition of evolutionism.
See for example: The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief - Francis Collins (head of human genome project)
There are very few concrete reports that Trump objected to, and nearly none where he presented evidence for false reporting.
Neither Trump nor Schulkin have ever presented any evidence for their claims, and Democrats have long cited studies indicating fraudulent voting is rare.
This article by Kristin Morell, Christine Regalla, Lucinda J. Leonard, and Vic Levson presents evidence for earthquake surface ruptures along the Leech River fault, a prominent crustal fault near Victoria, British Columbia.
He didn't flinch from controversy, presenting evidence for human influence on global temperature and debunking common «natural causes» myths.
«It presents evidence for an elaborate population history in Australia, spanning 50 millennia.»
They also present evidence for similar differences between the sexes in Australopithecines (early relatives of humans), suggesting that women long ago evolved such scaffolding to compensate for walking upright while supporting their swelling wombs.
All the results presented evidence for co-evolution of multiple systems specific to the back - to - the water transition.
Our new paper came out today in Science, presenting evidence for bands, zones, spots, and waves in brown dwarfs and a model that explains well several until - now mysterious changes in the brightnesses of brown dwarfs.
A 2008 study presented evidence for an intermediate - mass black hole at the center of Omega Centauri, based on observations made by the Hubble Space Telescope and Gemini Observatory on Cerro Pachon in Chile.
We present evidence for three ancient genome duplications during the evolution of gymnosperms, based on phylogenomic analyses of transcriptomes from 24 gymnosperms and 3 outgroups.
We also present evidence for a bound stellar companion at a projected separation of ~ 1100 AU, and speculate that it may have contributed to the strong misalignment we suspect between KELT - 18's spin axis and its planet's orbital axis.
On March 29, 2010, two astronomers submitted a paper on the confirmation of two planets and presented evidence for the presence of a third planet in an outermost orbit (Gregory and Fischer, 2010 — more below).
Symposia X: The Impact of Heat Shock Protein Expression on Muscle Metabolism, Exercise Capacity and Disease Prevention Speakers will present evidence for the functional effects and mechanisms of heat shock proteins and their role in aging, mitochondrial function, apoptotic pathways, insulin sensitivity, myocardial protection and more.
That is illustrated by two related papers in this issue that present evidence for a microbial component to obesity.
It presents the evidence for our diet.
The Garden of Eating: A Produce - Dominated Diet & Cookbook by Rachel Albert - Matesz and Don Matesz presents evidence for a diet of vegetables, fruits, and pasture - fed animal products.
It is somewhat disorderly in presenting evidence for its central argument, and the author has an odd style in which almost every statement is hedged.
Body paragraphs present evidence for your opinion.
In this dialog, you should introduce the subject, make a claim, discuss necessary background information, and then present the evidence for the position.
Ramsey presented evidence for the negative effect of boredom, which characterized the lives of many married women.
You should present the evidence for your assertion either through inductive or deductive reasons.
Al Gore has done a tremendous job of presenting the evidence for global warming and the need to respond, but he had years to work out his «act» and it still doesn't stir people to demand action, partly because (I think) it would require sacrifice.
But Idso scored some credibility points by stating that there is disagreement and debate, and actually presented the evidence for (at least in terms of the transcript of the NRDC film).
Finally, if you want to argue that the current crop of Green policies are not fundamentally based in Socialism and Central Planning then you are going to need to present evidence for that, any then you yourself will be bringing politics to the discussion.
What's very interesting in this paper is that it present evidence for a succession of changes in various indices that seem to indicate that the variability has, indeed, properties typical for periodic phenomena where change in some properties drive changes in the next property and that the chain of such influences closes.
Challenge for a flag style - solution to present evidence for or against is the climate is soo complex and there are so many potential variables and influences.
On present evidence for priors, the Bayesian estimate can not justifiably be said to be more accurate than the MLE.
Oreskes, of course, presented no evidence for AGW at all, she only claimed to survey the literature.
For instance, you present no evidence for your claim that «President Obama is already pushing a carbon tax...» Your link shows no evidence of that.
For instance, you present no evidence for your claim that «President Obama is already pushing a carbon tax...» >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> The evidence is pretty obvious with 1,560,000 hits from a seach on President Obama «carbon tax» 2012 Here are a couple in the top tier 13 November 2012: Al Gore calls on Barack Obama to «act boldly» on climate change Former vice-president and climate champion urges re-elected president to immediately begin pushing for a carbon tax
The criticism that my paper presents no evidence for loss of gains of carbon makes sense, but this was not the subject of the paper: it is restricted to quality assessments of the selection of old data.
Scientists would present evidence for and against the finding.
But the only way you can get nearly zero is if you ARGUE for nearly zero dF or present some evidence for nearly zero dF.
I presented evidence for my claim.
To show the imbalance, as one reads in the popular press, we have created a companion site that presents the evidence for global cooling, just as most newspapers and alarmists present only the science that supports warming.
Finally, activists are castigated for not reducing their own carbon footprint, without presenting any evidence for this, although there are many who have done so.
Appeals to emotion arise when a person «instead of presenting evidence for a conclusion, attempts to win approval for it by playing upon the feelings of those to whom the argument is addressed.»
Accountant hired to trace commingled property or dissipated marital assets and present evidence for one side.
First, we present evidence for ADHD and comorbid disorders.
This report presents evidence for HOPE (Health Outcomes of Positive Experiences) based on compelling data that reinforce the need to promote positive experiences for children and families in order to foster healthy childhood development despite the adversity common in so many families.
This article presents evidence for the effectiveness of a strategy for engaging adolescent drug users and their families in therapy.
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