Sentences with phrase «present topic»

However, be sure you would be able to present the topic in a good way.
The meetings usually include a guest speaker presenting topics of management, technology, marketing and facilities.
In workshops, the material is presented a topic at a time, in one to two hours instead of over a six to ten week time period.
The teacher can present a topic with minimal distractions and easily monitor students while they work independently.
The text presents topics within a counseling framework and includes practical suggestions for working with mothers.
For the talks programme, we try to address questions that deliver insight into present topics underlying the art market.
It features a carefully curated cohort of formative curators and arts leaders who will engage in conversation and present topics related to the needs of art leaders to stand up for a free society.
A presentation to present the topic of objects in a school bag.
You can learn how the teacher presents a topic, and you will be better equipped to help your son or daughter.
A wider cross-curricular approach is appropriate for presenting the topic in a broad and balanced way.
Others who presented topics included Marco Santori of Pillsbury Law, author of Mastering Bitcoin, Andreas Antonopoulos and Jeremy Allaire of Circle.
Reflect on the times when someone presented a topic well because of both the quality of the subject matter, and the delivery.
Corrugated packaging & displays industry executives present topics of interest to students and faculty, and answer questions from the 450 - 500 students participating from 18 to 20 remote campuses.
Foodservice Forums These sessions present topics of interest in the foodservice market that offer strategies for enhancing productivity or shedding light on how to resolve a particular problem or issue.
Dr. Sellwood has been a guest lecturer presenting topics that include: anger management, early childhood development, play therapy techniques, taking a stand against teenage violence, developing resilience, treating children of divorce, loss and grief, adolescent girls and disordered body images, understanding behavioral difficulties.
The conference presents topics that cover the film spectrum, and includes Convergence Programming (open to more than one badge type) at the intersection of Music, Film and Interactive.
The program presents topics that cover the film spectrum, with an emphasis on the intersection of the Film and Interactive worlds.
A revision module for Edexcel Religious Studies 5RS02 Christianity and 5RS08 Christianity and Islam which presents the topics in an easy to remember and simple form.
Present a video or an animation related to the content, and can also be used to get feedback by presenting a topic in a video then asking the learner for a feedback.
They also present topics and concepts like Babe Ruth, Indonesia, and the U.S. Congress, along with biological terms like gills, larva, and pupa.
Essay Writing Sample Custom essay writing service presents you the topic «Heart Disease in Women» Heart disease in women is an important topic.
As you know, any kind of discursive essay demands from a writer to hide his or her own points of view, feelings, and emotions while presenting the topic, and just to disclose the present situation concerning the subject of their essays.
Victoria will be presenting topics surrounding acquiring writers, composing the query letter, and what she's looking for in dark, edgy novels.
Dr. Massie presented the topic in poster form at the 2016 American College of Veterinary Surgery annual meeting, and won the Poster Presentation Award.
Now they've developed a version called Many Bills, a way of searching through the bills presented to the U.S. Congress (during 2009) to find and present topics buried within these lengthy documents.
I would also welcome any suggestions you may have on how to present this topic impartially.
Weigold and Peterson presented the topic «Blended Learning: Can Online Skills Instruction Replace Traditional Classroom Teaching?»
Nancy Lynn Roberts, Esq., of Trak - 1, presents topics about the background screening industry.
The way that you or your spouse presents a topic for discussion or the body language that accompanies this topic can lead to confusion or misunderstandings.
Each issue explores one topic in depth with a point / counterpoint format to fully present the topic from various viewpoints.
Topics presented Topics presented for Indigenous persons aged 15 years and over and Indigenous children aged 4 - 14 years include:
Mr. Annan, who is also the Chairman of the Kofi Annan Foundation, would present the topic at this year's «Kronti Ne Akwamu» lecture, a flagship annual democracy and governance event of the Ghana Centre for Democratic Development (CDD - Ghana).
Her work addresses issues of communication, interiority, subjugation versus domination, loneliness and hurt, presenting each topic with an element of humour and an underlying hopefulness.
«I have 16 staff members who have been meeting twice monthly to discuss and present the topics included in the IIRP publication, «The Restorative Practices Handbook».
Now, they can watch videos with their children and follow the way the teacher presents a topic.
Hi Kathryn, I am excited to present this topic in Hawaii because I worked as a counsellor in expat communities for over 26 years and draw on my clinical work as well as my own lived experience to report on challenges that can arise in this seemingly perfect family life.
This year's keynote address, presented by Simon Lipskar of Writers House, addressed the state of publishing, along with the ever - present topic of digital publishing and what it will means for readers, writers, and the industry as a whole.
(Let us know if you'd like to present a topic, show off one of your NationBuilder projects, or teach us how to do something cool at a future meet - up!)
I give to you what I give to no one else, and that is my seed, my procreative power, which, united to your seed, can incarnate our love, take on flesh that will be the living fruit of our love, the proof also that we want our love to be a gift to God and to the future.1 I have expanded on this at length elsewhere.2 Holding to our present topic, let us look a bit more closely at those issues of justice involved in this divine plan of the union of man and woman in marriage.
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