Sentences with phrase «present universe»

Influenced by film as well as the digital impact of social media on everyday life, Cytter presents a universe where contemporary man is isolated, paranoid, naïve but also with an unworldly ethos and at times an almost romantic stance.
New Song Academy uses A Beka Books, Christian science texts that, according to A Beka's Web site, «present the universe as the direct creation of God and refute the man - made idea of evolution.»
It's another to present a universe full of blood, pain, and death where characters are systematically oppressed and endangered.
No Man's Sky, the first - person space exploration and survival game developed by Hello Games, presents us a universe filled with some 18 quintillion procedurally generated planets.
Largely hailed by the European vanguards of art as one the greatest architectural photographers, Höfer's rhythmically patterned images present a universe of interiors constructed by human intention, unearthing patterns of order, logic, and disruption imposed on these spaces by absent creators and inhabitants.
Cosmology theology is the traditional theology found within the Jewish - Muslim - Christian - Catholic religions and elaborated in a space - time context of our present universe and confined by it.
This organic whole that began from an initial high bang and eventuated into the present universe is distinguished by a form of unity and diversity radical beyond all imagining: infinite differences, and diversity that is marked not by isolation but by shared atoms over millennia as well as minute - by - minute exchanges of oxygen and carbon dioxide between plants and animal.
The best scientific conjectures today maintain that our present universe began with a mysterious event called the «Big Bang.»
Think about that, and compare it with the six days it took Him to create the present universe.
I mean the big bang theory does not posit there was «nothing» before our present universe, just the same amount of matter in another form, possibly «plasma» (I don't know enough details to use that word without quotes).
Some physicists have indicated that any of a number of different physical laws would be compatible with our present universe.
In fact, some ultra conservative Kabbalist mystics consider that this present universe is not the first.
But disagreements with other statements made by Whitehead might be irrelevant in regard to the viability of the central metaphysical theses, since more than one description of the contingent aspects of the present universe would always be consistent with the metaphysical principles.
As actively feeling, inheriting and synthesizing the past, perished occasions, the actual occasions which are the ultimate constituents of the present universe preserve the past as an intrinsic aspect of their own «enjoyment.»
Such a density is about the highest that can be created through gravitational collapse in the present universe.
One possibility is that astronomers might be able to detect primordial black holes with an initial mass of 1012 kilograms exploding in the present universe.
Such artistic license is so commonplace that the presented universe bears little resemblance to the real thing.
u «We can not even show convincingly how galaxies, stars, planets, and life arose in the present universe
«We can not even show convincingly how galaxies, stars, planets, and life arose in the present universe
It can be grim and unsettling, but it presents a universe in which it is still possible to be a hero.
This installment of the New Work series — Barney's first solo museum exhibition — presents a universe in which professional athletic prowess confronts the roots of sexuality and parallels sexual behavior.
«But in the present universe,» he concludes, «the one in which Dominion, Duke and Piedmont propose to become the monopoly suppliers of the inputs for their own monopoly customers, they need not engage in any such economically efficient decision making process.
This delicate table lamp, supported by a black marble base, was inspired by a model from the 20th century and gets its name from the way it connects past and present universes with its...
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