Sentences with phrase «presented as a moral issue»

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While the official course books treat topics like abortion and euthanasia as controversial issues for which there is no definitive judgement of right or wrong, they all have a range of topics which are presented as moral absolutes.
obligation in relation to each public moral issue as it arises; a word of the retrieval of the culture's most creative ideals and institutions; a world of judgment on the culture's present and potential sins; a word of forgiveness whenever it is repentant; a word of promise and so of confidence (in God, if not in itself) for the future.
These biographical notes on the life of David acknowledge and illustrate David's moral ambivalence and even duplicity, and yet at the same time present a man who, as the sons of men go, is superior not only in the qualities of winsomeness and shrewdness, but also in the solid virtues that issue from a dominant integrity.
Director Francis Lawrence, who has been behind the camera since the second (and best) installment, «Catching Fire,» tones down the vibrant color palette of the Capitol and presents a visually muted film filled with as many gray tones as the moral issues it depicts.
It confronts moral issues, religious conundrums, and the dynamics of emotions in young adult lives as two girls driven by the past and present realize their impact on the future.»
In teaching religious principles, the issue has a different set of concerns than other subjects might, perhaps, as tenets of a religion are presented as a universal truth and moral code.
[66] Talk of «practical reconciliation» asserts moral authority to shut down debate about the importance of proceeding to address disadvantage on the basis of rights by presenting them as something that are merely desirable or aspirational, but not connected to the real issues at hand.
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