Sentences with phrase «presented as a virtue»

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From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
Yet inasmuch as neoconservatives are concerned with defending democracy, combating relativism, and promoting a politics of virtue, Kristol's attitudes are still very much present within that persuasion.
It presents a wonderful opportunity to rediscover and revive the «concealed heart of the English identity», 17 namely, the home as the seedbed of virtues and the sanctuary of life.
What if, as I believe is true in the present case, policies and court orders invite the doing of that which virtue would inhibit, even if it can not always effectively prohibit?
And, citing the book of Sirach (3:3 - 7, 14 - 17), he added: «The word of God presents the family as the first school of wisdom, a school which trains its members in the practice of those virtues which make for authentic happiness and lasting fulfilment.»
Thereby the living power of the transcendent and omnipotent Judge is transposed in human experience into the dead body of Satan, as Milton's passage through the death of selfhood unveils the ground of an isolated selfhood as that chasm separating the creature from the Creator, thus making possible the reversal or dissolution of natural virtue and self - righteousness in the immediate and present actualization of the self - annihilation of God.
If modern Christianity has patterned itself after Jesus, then the Jesus we present to the world is not the Jesus who rejected the offers of self - reliance, control over others, and glory before men, but is the «Jesus» who has accepted such values and now holds them up as virtues.
Other examples of moral heroism may be drawn from medieval romance, in which young knights like Gawain and Percival are presented as imperfect but persevering questers who develop virtues of truth - keeping, courtesy and humility to match their physical prowess and bravery.
It is that by virtue of which we can speak of future events or future cosmic epochs, not as located in the present but as genuinely future.
This redefinition of true citizenship is of particular significance at the present time when «citizenship» is almost universally regarded as a purely political virtue.
Augustine was formed in this same world, and he begins his response by appealing to the Roman understanding of civic virtue as presented by Cicero in his treatise De Re Publica, a work both he and Volusian knew well.
I present urban form to my students in the long and large western humanist tradition that sees cities as communal artifacts that human animals by our nature make in order to live well (with all the teleological and virtue ethics implications of that tradition's notion of living well).
In his recent book, Life, Liberty, and the Defense of Dignity, he offers «four benefits» of mortality: interest and engagement, suggesting that adding, say, twenty years to the human life span would not proportionately increase the pleasures of life; seriousness and aspiration, proposing that the knowledge that our life is limited is what leads us to take life seriously and passionately; beauty and love, presenting the idea that it is precisely their perishability that makes, for instance, flowers beautiful to us, just as the coming and going of spring makes that season all the more meaningful; and, finally, virtue and moral excellence, by which he means the virtuous and noble deeds that mortality makes possible, including the sacrifice of our own life for a worthy cause.
These biographical notes on the life of David acknowledge and illustrate David's moral ambivalence and even duplicity, and yet at the same time present a man who, as the sons of men go, is superior not only in the qualities of winsomeness and shrewdness, but also in the solid virtues that issue from a dominant integrity.
«Spirit» occupies the central position in Hegel's thought; it is that «ultimate principle» which, as Whitehead suggests (PR 10), is present in any philosophical system and is actual by virtue of its accidents.
Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virg = inia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.
They were presented as foils against which the virtue of New Testament heroes stood out in sharp relief.
The new orthodoxy clothes itself in the virtues of tolerance and pluralism, and presents itself as a reaction against the intolerance and closed «mindedness of the past.
«This is noteworthy,» Kohn writes, «because the virtue of self - restraint — or at least the decision to give special emphasis to it — has historically been preached by those, from St. Augustine to the present, who see people as basically sinful.»
I argue that God exists in all three time - dimensions simultaneously: as a determinate past actuality in virtue of the divine consequent nature, as an indeterminate future reality in virtue of the divine primordial nature, and as a concrescing present reality in virtue of the ongoing integration of the divine primordial and consequent natures.1 Yet, while I agree with Ford that there is no way for finite actual occasions objectively to prehend that integration of the primordial and consequent natures within God even in terms of their own self - constitution here and now, I would also contend that finite actual occasions still feel the feelings of God toward themselves as a result of that integration of the primordial and consequent natures within the divine being.
Virtues are presented as ungrounded generalities that can be found in various social organizations and cultural traditions but are essentially independent of them.
God's future is his age to come, his ages of ages, his last things, his future period of time, which by virtue of the incarnation and resurrection paradoxically juts out as it were into this present age of ours.
The physical present must be understood as novel in virtue of that immanent, memory - like agency which presently enlivens a past which no longer exists as exercising its own immanent agency.
The relation, in terms of the very meanings of «past» and «present», is one of mutual internality: the past as past and the present as present are coherently meaningful only in virtue of a mutuality of qualitative contrast which is also the basis of their unique continuity precisely as successive.
[4] Scottish social thought, and Adam Smith's political economy in particular, thus appear as: `... a theory of a pluralisation of human personality -LSB-...] presented as an ideological alternative to the classical ideal of the personality unified by civic virtue and by a relatively static economy.»
Similarly, practically the only things we get to know about the other two main characters, Marla Mabrey (Lily Collins) and Frank (Alden Ehrenreich), are the conventional virtues that are presented as a stark contrast to Hughes's weirdness.
As noted, WUWT, the 13C: 12C fraction of the seasonal signal and long term trends derive from the same source by virtue of presenting the same variance under F - Test.
How can Rapley's epic appeal to authority be legitimised, when it is presented in such a way as to deprive it of the virtue that legitimises it?
I wonder if Muslims are particularly vulnerable to ascetic thinking because the sorry state of the Muslim world at present causes them to make a virtue of poverty, just as people in the West did during the West's Dark Ages.
As discussed in chapter 2, the present provisions of the NTA limit compensation for the extinguishment and impairment of native title rights to those situations where statutory extinguishment or impairment exceeds that which would have occurred either at common law or where compensation would have been available by virtue of the RDA.
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