Sentences with phrase «presenting truth exist»

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There never was a time in History that atheists exist, only in this present stage of our intellectual developement that they deny His exisrence, but it can be easily explained that they are just part of the dialectical process of having to have two opposing arguments or forces to arrive to the truth, The opposing forces today are the theists or religious believers of all religions and the other are the atheists who denies religion, The reslultant truth in the future will be Panthrotheism, the belief that we are all one with the whole universe with God, and that we Had all to unite to prepare for human survival that will subject us humans in the future.Aided by the the enlightend consevationist, environmentalists, humanists and all of the concerned activists, we will develop a kind of universal harmony and awareness that we are all guided towards love and concern for all of our specie.The great concern of the whole conscious and caring world to the natural disaster in the Phillipines,, the most theist country now is a positive sign towards this religious direction.Panthrotheism means we will be One with God.
Martin Luther presented the theology of Sola scriptura that the bible is the sole source to live and understand what Christianity is all about... but the bible itself does not come with a table of contents to prove that it is correct which is why the bible itself says that the CHURCH is the pillar and foundation of truth... remember that the church existed before even the bible was even put together... To understand the bible you cant just rely on your own interpretation like the protestants often say... The truth is always absolute and hence the teachings of the bible HAS to be absolute which is why the church is said to be ONE in nature (in every sense of the word), HOLY, CATHOLIC (Universal in teaching in every corner of the world) and APOSTOLIC (roots dating back to Jesus himself)... Now figure out what is that one church... The church put together the bible and the holy spirit always protected the church against false teachings and 1600 years later came about the teaching of Sola Scriptura... Protestants... look within and see whats wrong with this teaching.
And no a belief does not mean actual knowledge, so when one proclaims a belief, it something that by definition can not be proven, so no I don't have to present evidence in order to declare a belief, but if one is saying outright that angels do not exist as being the absolute truth, then one should present evidence.
He is always keen to present the truth about the Catholic Church's promotion of science, and so the first chapters of his new bookare dedicated to that issue, starting with an analysis of the positive attitude to science taken by Pope John Paul ii, who held as a guiding principle «the harmony existing between scientific truth and revealed truth
You would need to present an unbiased source of information saying that thing exists first, meaning you'd need reason to believe in gods other than other people telling you they are real, since people are very obviously prone to manipulating the truth.
Plano, TX About Blog Radically Christian exists to promote the restoration of First Century Christianity, through the use of Twenty - First Century media and technology; presenting biblical truth with simplicity, love, and passion.
Existing in neither the past or present this in - between space uncovers alternate «truths».
Plano, TX About Blog Radically Christian exists to promote the restoration of First Century Christianity, through the use of Twenty - First Century media and technology; presenting biblical truth with simplicity, love, and passion.
Plano, TX About Blog Radically Christian exists to promote the restoration of First Century Christianity, through the use of Twenty - First Century media and technology; presenting biblical truth with simplicity, love, and passion.
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