Sentences with phrase «presidential material»

Frankly, I don't see him as presidential material at all.
Just realize that Romney is not good presidential material.
(CNN)- Former Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell, once a rising star in the Republican Party who was considered potential presidential material, was indicted along with his wife on Tuesday on federal charges of accepting illegal gifts.
Once considered presidential material, both men are likely to sit out 2016 as Hillary Clinton holds wide leads over rivals like former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
But one veteran New York Democrat says he's reserving judgement on whether Cuomo is presidential material until after he deals with the thorny issue of redistricting.
We really are scraping the bottom of the barrel for Presidential material these days... and have been for a long time (e.g., George Bush).
The widespread yearning of today's Republicans for a unifying, charismatic, electable all - star to deliver them from their mediocre presidential options — and the possibility it creates for the first candidate who manages to present him or herself as credible presidential material — is a reminder of the incredible opportunity that Cuomo was presented with 20 years ago.
A gauntlet begins this week that will ultimately determine if Gov. Andrew Cuomo is presidential material with a possible if improbable future, or if he's New York's version of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, destined for the political septic tank.
It is hard to see Bill Pullman (Mr. Wrong) as U.S. Presidential material, and picturing the Fresh Prince of Bel - Air (Will Smith's best known role) in charge of saving the planet is just frightening.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D - NY)-- Gillibrand has long been seen as potential presidential material, and her decision to vote against almost every one of Trump's Cabinet nominees has earned her renewed praise on the left.
He was full of praise for Cuomo, who he «absolutely» views as presidential material.
The scary thing isn't that this man believes in a supernatural man with horns and a pointy tail, the scary thing is that a significant number of people in our country think he is presidential material.
Plus, if they were presidential material and were not liars and good people, I would vote for them if I thought them better than Obama, but they aren't.
No matter... he's simply not Presidential Material, with all that Garbage on his back.
Not equiped to be presidential material.
When he speaks about all the laws he would change and then add more if her were the President, based on his beliefs and NOT open to the fact that this country is based on BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE -LRB--RRB- that means EVERYONE), so he isn't PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL.
But she is definitely not presidential material.
He thinks he's presidential material — laughable.
She had said days to the December 7 general elections that the New Patriotic Party's Presidential candidate Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo - Addo is not a presidential material.
In a separate Chat with John Dumelo he told GhanaPoliticsOnline.Com That Nana Addo is not fit enough to be President of Ghana, and that hes not a presidential material.
Clearly Pence is not Presidential material!
He may not be presidential material, but he is certainly worth a look for his business acumen.
'' [Donald Trump» might not be presidential material, but it seems that, at least for Eric, Don Jr., Ivanka, Tiffany and Barron, he actually does know best,» Christine Flowers wrote.
The publication even notes that Trump may not be «presidential material» but to his children, he's the best.
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