Sentences with phrase «presidential prayer breakfasts»

Peale is variously known for such best - selling books as The Power of Positive Thinking (with 14 printings within two years of its 1952 release) and for his regular appearances at presidential prayer breakfasts.
In suggesting that there are two forms of civil religion, the priestly and the prophetic, Martin Marty judged that the former was exemplified in Nixon's White House worship services and alliance with Billy Graham, the latter by Senator Mark Hatfield's criticism of America's involvement in Vietnam at a presidential prayer breakfast.

Not exact matches

Kruse explains how many things Americans take for granted came to be: the presence of «under God» in the Pledge of Allegiance, the adoption of «In God We Trust» as a national motto, the annual «presidential» prayer breakfast, and the presidential practice of ending speeches with «may God bless America.»
Back on July 1, following a prayer breakfast in Harlem, pastor, presidential advisor and former Ambassador - at - Large for International Religious Freedom Suzan «Sujay» Johnson Cook, announced that she was running to represent New York's 13th Congressional District.
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