Sentences with phrase «press back up»

Drive from your heels and pull your navel in as you press back up to standing and bring the barbell back up to shoulder height (c).
Pause for a brief moment so you don't bounce the weight off your chest, then press it back up to the top position, exhaling on the way up.
As soon as your right forearm hits the ground, push into the left hand to press back up to straight arms in your starting plank position.
As you press back up to straight arms, shoot your hips up into the air, pressing into your left hand as you reach your right hand across your body to touch the left ankle.
Press yourself back up to standing and then repeat on the other side: right hand now reaching to the fl oor while the left hand reaches toward the ceiling
Simply lean forward as far as you can with a straight back and straight legs, then press back up to a standing position.
Lower the barbell until just before it touches your chest, then press back up to lockout.
As you press back up to straight legs, swing the kettle bell out to chest height.
Now lower the dumbbell down to your chest until it's just touching, then press back up, squeezing the pecs HARD at the top.
Press back up to high plank and inchworm back to standing Reverse the movement by pressing back up to high plank one hand at a time and then walking your hands back towards your feet (keeping legs as straight as possible) and standing up, hands overhead.
Press back up and repeat on the left.
Press back up, spreading your shoulder blades apart at the top.
After several breaths, exhale and press back up to the straight arm position.
Still another approach is to go into Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), come down into Astavakrasana on the right side, press back up into Handstand, repeat Astavakrasana on the left side, go back into Handstand, drop to Chaturanga, and then press back into Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Squeezing your glutes and your abs, lower your body down to the ground and press it back up.
Press back up and straighten your back.
Technique: Hold yourself up on bars, arms fully extended, bend knees and cross your legs at the ankle, lower your body by bending shoulders and elbows down as far as you can, pause, then press back up to arms» length.
Bend your elbows to lower your torso as far as you can, then press yourself back up to the start position.
You touch the floor softly with your rear knee and press back up with your standing leg.
Press yourself back up to straight arms, jumping your feet forward back to squat and then jumping straight up overhead.
You lie on a bench with your feet on the floor, unrack the bar, lower it to the middle of your chest, and press it back up.
Lower yourself down to the ground and press yourself back up.
Lower your body down and then press it back up.
Stay tight and keep your knees apart as you pull the staff down with your lats to behind your neck and then press it back up.
Keep your chest open and your elbows parallel to one another as you lower yourself down and press back up.
Keep your chest open and your elbows parallel to each other as you lower your body down and press back up.
Start off with split squats (a «stationary» lunge where one foot is in front of the other and you drop down to a lunge position and press back up).
Keep them parallel as you press back up.
Pause for a second, then press back up through your front heel and return to the starting position.
«Lower your body to the floor by bending your elbows (keeping your body rigid) until your chest touches the floor, then press back up (straightening your elbows).»
Press back up to your starting position.
Keep your core engaged and chest lifted as you lunge down, then press back up through your standing heel to rise.
Bend your elbows slightly, keeping them parallel to each other as you lower yourself back (2), and then press back up.
Keep your chest open, chin up and maintain a parallel position with your arms (don't let your elbows waggle out to the side) as you lower yourself down to a 90 degree elbow bend, and press yourself back up.
Press back up to the starting position and repeat.
Once you reach the bottom of the movement, push through your hands to press you back up into your starting position without sitting on the bench.
To do the second variation, start by pressing both dumbbells towards the ceiling, then lower one and press it back up to the top before lowering and pressing the opposite side.
Lower your body down until your nose touches the ground, then press yourself back up.
What this means is it takes you 1 second to lower the bar, zero seconds holding it at the bottom (basically reversing directions immediately), taking 1 second to press it back up, and then holding it in the the starting position for 2 seconds before you start your next rep.
Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body toward the floor, stopping when your elbows are at 90 degrees; press back up to starting position.
Go as low as you're able to and then press back up to starting position.
As you press back up, rotate to the right, coming into right side plank.
Start lowering the weights until they're just outside your lower pecs, then press them back up explosively.
Pause briefly and as you exhale, press it back up until you've locked your elbows.
Press back up to starting position and repeat.
Press back up to starting position while keeping a rigid torso through entire movement.
As you press yourself back up, bring your leg behind you and repeat on the other side.
Pause for a second, then press it back up to the starting position.
Lower it in an arch so that it comes over and behind your head, then press it back up to the angled position.
Maintaining a neutral back, slowly lower your body with the bar travelling toward your forehead, then press back up to the original position.
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