Sentences with phrase «press corp»

Are the Albany press corp so bored that the best they can do is reprint the endless and inane press bulletins from this wackjob?
So I suppose ABC shouldn't break news that the president is in the hospital and just wait for the the White House press corp to just announce it and then they can run with the story?
The first person to ask this question was a member of the foreign press corp after her Mansion House speech recently.
At the LCA dinner on Saturday, an annual event held by the Albany press corp featuring humorous appearances by politicians, Paterson portrayed an extremely whiny version of the wheelchair - bound man from those TV ads criticizing health care budget cuts a couple of months ago — while also taking shots at Malcolm Smith, Sheldon Silver, and the Post's Fred Dicker.
Governor Andrew Cuomo spoke to the assembled Albany press corp for the first time in six months and revealed that he spoke with federal prosecutors about the corruption charges facing his former aide and campaign manager Joe Percoco.
Just as you find in the general car - driving and car - enthusiast population, the automotive press corp is composed of individuals representing an expansive range of driving skills and experience.
Even with the supine press corp he has to handle.
The Canadian press corp is fully complicit in the silence that keeps the public ignorant about the truth.
«I think lots of things have contributed to that culture, including, frankly, the all - male Albany press corp,» Nolan said on public radio's «Capitol Pressroom.»
Recriminations have been fast and fierce, arguments have erupted all over the place and certain segments of the press corp are swirling like vultures around a wounded animal.
Certainly no one in the press corp saw the pick coming and they were genuinely surprised when it was announced.
Chevrolet won over the press corp with an all - new, full - size Impala sedan.
The reason that the question so motivated the press corp was probably the feeling that the size of the investment must reflect the degree of sincerity by which Masdar was being carried out.
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