Sentences with phrase «pressed against my belly»

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My wife and I were headed out the door on a beautiful summer day, and I was carrying our then 2 - month - old daughter in a harness, her squishy baby belly pressing against my chest while she grew heavy with sleep.
Plus, often times new little bellies have a hard time adjusting to eating, so feeling your body pressed up against theirs is super soothing.
Your partner may be able to hear her heartbeat by pressing his ear against your belly.
Sometimes if she notices that a student's belly isn't moving with the breath, she'll place the spine of a book into the belly horizontally and tell the student to press against it with the abdomen on an inhalation and then release the pressure against the book on an exhalation.
Again swivel into position from the hip joint, pressing the heel against the lower belly, and arrange the sole perpendicular to the floor.
If needed, cup one hand lightly in the other and press them gently against your lower belly.
Without hardening the belly, firm the thighs, press them down against the floor (or your support), rotate them slightly toward each other, and draw the inner groins toward the sacrum.
With the belly pressed against the floor, breathing will be difficult.
Before the next new moon, she baked cakes of offering to the Queen of Heaven, something she had never done before, and slept a whole night with her belly pressed up against the base of the asherah.
But Tracey was unashamedly her mother's aspiration and avatar, her only joy, in those thrilling yellow bows, a frou - frou skirt of many ruffles and a crop top revealing inches of childish nut - brown belly, and as we pressed up against the pair of them in this bottleneck of mothers and daughters entering the church I watched with interest as Tracey's mother pushed the girl in front of herself - and in front of us - using her own body as a means of obstruction, the flesh on her arms swinging as she beat us back, until she arrived in Miss Isabel's dance class, a look of great pride and anxiety on her face, ready to place her precious cargo into the temporary care of others.
She walks carefully, she mustn't fall, she presses her hand against a belly that will start to show in a few weeks.
To train this command, lightly press a finger, or a hand for larger parrots, against the belly area and say, «step up.»
I think of how, as a child, if I tossed too much in my sleep, the masking tape on the map came unhinged and I would wake up with it for a blanket: Florida on my thigh, New Hampshire pressed against my open mouth, the plains of the Southwest observing the divot of my belly.
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