Sentences with phrase «pressing pause»

I like to call this «Pressing the Pause Button.»
If you want to shut off and watch Coyote Ugly for the 18th time in bed, you'll find yourself pressing pause as you're constantly disturbed by family members.
«Mozilla is pressing pause on our Facebook advertising,» a company spokesperson wrote, adding that the decision is a direct result of its closer inspection of the platform's default privacy settings which yielded what it deems worrisome findings.
I look pretty smart pressing the pause button right now,» prominent investor Mike Novogratz commented on his decision to postpone the launch of a bitcoin fund due to the rife market volatility.
And wherever your audio is stored — computer, tablet or mobile phone — switching is as easy as pressing Pause on one and Play on another.
Pressing pause or the record button on the remote enters time - shift mode, which takes about 10 seconds to initialize.
The company, which created the Firefox web browser, said it is «pressing pause» on its Facebook advertising and won't be posting on its Facebook page.
Both Morgan and Lemberger seek the ephemeral drama of dance, pressing pause for the ages.
I liked the idea of not pressing the pause key and going to some abstracted GUI; I think that worked reasonably well.»
Credit expert Dave Fulk explains why pressing pause on buying a new home and improving your credit score first could save you thousands of dollars.
Rather than record one video of Zippy and another of the birthday cake, pressing pause will allow you to pick up recording right where you left off, creating just one video of little Timmy's birthday party.
The original material, however, is clean, sharp, and well - defined, making it easy to forget you're watching standard definition except when pressing pause.
There's no shame in getting frustrated with online dating and pressing the pause button for a little while.
But pressing the pause button on dating isn't the answer.
It's about pressing pause on the meat and cheese overdose on your system.»
Dairy can be a healthy part of the diet for many women, but I often recommend pressing the pause button on dairy for three months because for some women, it» an inflammatory trigger, and even good - quality organic dairy does deliver some extra hormones.
Mobile, discreet, and hands - free, Willow allows women to achieve their breastfeeding goals without pressing pause on life.
Today I'm pressing the pause button on the macro bowls I've been eating on repeat because it's been super snowy and cold lately and all I want is a giant bowl of spicy almond butter noodles!
A graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Ruth is the author of The Better Mom and the coauthor of Hoodwinked and Pressing Pause.
«With the utmost respect to the administration and the State Department, we do believe there is a precedence for pressing pause,» he said.
In a statement last Thursday, online nonprofit Mozilla announced that it would be «pressing pause» on its Facebook advertising in the wake of the scandal.
Pressing pause on expansion to new cities, and focusing instead on growing within existing markets, carried significant risks, especially during a period in which the «growth uber alles» ethos still reigned.
«So, we are pressing the pause button on these changes to review your feedback and consider the right way to move ahead.»
United President Scott Kirby wrote in a memo to employees that the carrier was «pressing the pause button» on unpopular changes to its merit bonus system that would scrap quarterly performance bonuses in favor of lottery drawings for cash prizes, luxury cars and vacation packages.
Now United is «pressing the pause button» on the program as it reviews employee feedback, Kirby said.
If this sounds familiar to you, press pause for a moment and take stock.
Food - review app company Munchee pressed pause on its $ 15 million ICO after the SEC argued the firm should register with the regulator.
Although private lenders might offer you the ability to press pause on your repayment, their deferment or forbearance options likely pale in comparison to the federal government's.
... The business community has really only pressed pause here, it certainly hasn't warmed up to the overall package.»
It was like life pressed Pause for us for those two days.
You are allowed to take a day off from it all, to rest and renew, to worship, to press pause
If at any point the butter starts to become soft, press pause on the mission and transfer the bowl to the refrigerator or freezer for 10 to 15 minutes.
Press PAUSE and scrape down the sides with the Scraper Spatula then dial to BLEND and press PAUSE and process for 10 — 15 seconds or until smooth.
Portable cheeses also fulfill the very real demand for convenience and portion control, while harnessing the power of comfort food to press pause on a hectic day.
In the ring, you can manipulate minutes, elongate seconds, press pause.
That's why I think it's important to press pause on weight loss goals, give yourself a break and enjoy holiday foods guilt free...
Next, if you find yourself in a frustrating situation again and you're about to lose it — maybe your child has wet their pants for the third time today and you just can't take it anymore — press pause before reacting.
But there are some indications that you should press pause on Netflix and get yourself to a hospital or birthing center.
In these pages, moms will learn to resist the rush, halt the hustle, press pause, and find calm in the chaos.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D - Bronx), in a statement, said while lawmakers «share the same goal of reducing plastic waste and improving» the environment, it «makes sense to press the pause button on this fee to do a more thorough investigation on the best ways to reduce paper and plastic waste in our environment.»
«It makes sense to press the pause button on this fee in order to do a more thorough investigation on the best ways to reduce paper and plastic waste in our environment,» said Assembly Speaker Heastie, who was also concerned about the fee's impact on poor New Yorkers.
It makes sense to press the pause button on this fee in order to do a more thorough investigation on the best ways to reduce paper and plastic waste in our environment.
You've effectively pressed pause on the moment you are about to celebrate virtually.
The next time you are drawn to the doughnuts your coworker left in the break room, press pause, and tune into your body to figure out if you're actually hungry.
He never would have had this amazing opportunity if the universe hadn't pressed pause on his other project.
Press PAUSE and scrape down the sides with the Scraper Spatula then dial to BLEND and press PAUSE and process for 10 — 15 seconds or until smooth.
I decided right then to press pause on the ketogenic diet and went back to the old faithful typical healthy diet.
When we press pause and become still, we build what I call our «being present muscle.»
Sarah Bauer at Press Pause Photography works up a list of birth and baby services in Northern Colorado:
Can I press the pause button whilst I catch my breath for just a moment?
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