Sentences with phrase «pressure decreases»

That means that if you are 40 pounds overweight, and you lose 2 of those pounds, you can expect to see your blood pressure decrease by three points.
Tire pressure decreases in cold weather, so your tires may be a bit low as well when you get to the spring season.
By using a skin absorbing magnesium bath, their blood pressure decreases naturally.
Since atmospheric pressure decreases as we go up in the atmosphere, in these plots, the balloon height increases as we go from right to left.
The volume of the material samples exposed to increasing pressure decreases, which is associated with a reduction of usually all spatial dimensions.
Where sea level pressure decreases there is generally more rain, with the reverse happening when sea level pressure increases.
A reduction in blowing pressure decreases energy consumption by up to 20 % during production when limitation is linked to base design.
Blood pressure decreases while the energy level of the participant increases.
I would expect the atmosphere to be a classical exponential atmosphere with pressure decreasing exponentially with altitude.
Because water follows salt, when levels of this hormone increase your body responds by getting rid of excess water and your blood pressure decreases.
Because air pressure decreases as the elevation increases, many foods respond differently at high altitudes — and not just baked goods, but beans, stews, fried foods, pasta, etc..
Because pressure decreases with height, we have arranged the graphs in this essay so that the lowest pressures (i.e., the stratosphere) are at the top and the highest pressures (i.e., ground level) are at the bottom.
During the half month when volunteers ate dark chocolate, their average systolic blood pressure decreased from 136 to 124 millimeters of mercury.
The average diastolic blood pressure decreased by 4.3 % and the systolic blood pressure dropped by 3.5 %.
URINARY INCONTINENCE CAUSED BY DECREASED URETHRAL CLOSURE PRESSURE Decreased urethral closure pressure can occur due to lumbosacral disorders such as intervertebral disc diseases and other neurologic problems.
This is because air pressure decreases at higher altitudes.
Overall, eye pressure decreased in the group wearing the bimatoprost ring by about 20 percent from the initial measurements over six months.
Systolic blood pressure decreased significantly in patients in the high - intensity group, while it remained unchanged in patients in the moderate intensity group.
The thickness of this layer changes from thinning as the intraocular pressure increases, to thickening as the intraocular pressure decreases.
When the cuff pressure increases to above systolic blood pressure these pulses disappear, and when the cuff pressure decreases to below systolic blood pressure they reappear.
A powerpoint lesson on Atmospheric Pressure for KS3 Physics Students Learning Objectives: Explain why pressure decreases the higher the altitude Understand how a barometer works Explain why boiling point decreases the higher the altitude Includes: A starter Explanations AFL activities Simple practical Plenary - the story of the Thief and the Mountain Execution
Blood pressure decreases transiently when a person relaxes with, talks to, or just watches an animal.
Since cold air is more dense, atmospheric pressure decreases more rapidly with height on the poleward side of the polar front than on the warmer tropical side.
Atmospheric pressure decreases with height (altitude), and in space, the atmospheric pressure is almost zero.
Conversely, in individualistic cultures there may have been selective pressures decreasing the prevalence of social sensitivity alleles.
What's more, another review of 43 studies found participants» systolic and diastolic blood pressures decreased by an average of 3.55 and 1.32 mm Hg, respectively, after they took nitrate supplements (23).
These Equations, IF CORRECT, will predict the commencement of glaciation in Antarctica, and the progressive increase in Glaciation as Surface Pressures decrease, and Surface Temperatures decrease with elapsed time in million year increments.
Variability in sea level pressure decreases on average in the Southern Hemisphere, while in the Northern Hemisphere there are regional differences.»
6) atmospheric pressure decreases with height, 7) liquid pressure increases with depth.
After 12 months, the average systolic blood pressure decreased in both groups, but was lower in the intervention group (128.2 / 73.8 mm Hg vs 137.8 / 76.3 mm Hg).
Air pressure decreases with an increase of altitude - about one millibar (0.03 inches of mercury) per 27 feet (8.23 m) close to sea level.
One study showed that giving flax to people with high blood pressure decreased systolic blood pressure by an average of 10 mmHg and reduced diastolic blood pressure by 7 mmHg (53).
As the socks get higher on the leg the pressure decreases.
If the model is a graduated compression hosiery, the pressure decreases as the product gets higher on the legs.
There it generally gets colder as you go higher due to the expansion of gases as the pressure decreases.
Both 24 hour diastolic blood pressure and night diastolic blood pressure decreased by about 4.5 mmHg in the yoga group and 24 hour average arterial pressure decreased by about 4.9 mmHg.
Despite the modest reduction in blood pressure, it could be significant as even a 2 mmHg diastolic blood pressure decrease has the potential to reduce coronary heart disease risk by 6 % and transient ischaemic attack and stroke risk by 15 %.
The diastolic pressure, 80 as illustrated in the blood pressure chart, is the resting pressure, which is between beats when the pressure decreases before the next heart pumping action.
Result — blood pressure decreases.
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