Sentences with phrase «pressure for change»

Pressure for change comes from the fans and it has to consistent.
This would bring pressure for changing the boundaries of some states.
If the match ends like this, is it pressure off or do you think we should add more pressure for change?
The consumer is key, whether being persuaded to pay more for a greener product or by applying pressure for a change in practice.»
Ministers are refusing to listen to calls for the reintroduction of standing areas at football matches, as pressure for a change grows in parliament.
What has struck me most about Avaaz in its relatively short lifetime is its ability to mobilise imaginative ways to show how positive pressure for change is possible on issues from climate change to the Middle East that are too often prone to debilitating pessimism.
Today, the agency is facing broad challenges and mounting pressure for change, but there's no question that ERC Starting Grants have been career - changing for the young scientists who have won them.
The tough environment is a challenge for Heins, who was named president and CEO after the resignation of Jim Balsillie and co-CEO Mike Lazaridis following months of investor pressure for a change.
Armed with nothing but thrift store suits, the Yes Men impersonate big - time corporate evildoers in order to draw attention to their crimes against humanity and the environment, helping to raise awareness and build public pressure for change.
Taxing polluters in hopes that it will create pressure for change is a half - hearted effort at best.
They closely tie economic Globalization from Above to the political aspect in that (1) the source of pressure for change is the same, and (2) close links are alleged between the ideologies of free markets and free societies.
Much of the pressure for change comes from large corporations intent on cutting their costs and their payrolls.
As long as such activities, however peripheral to the main business of universities, were available to the minority of students who might be interested, and as long as the religious programs at least modestly flourished (as they did through the 1950s), disestablishment could be seen as a reasonable accommodation to pressures for change.
Sarachan has said he wants the manager's job, but there will be plenty of competition and pressure for a change - of - pace hire following the World Cup.
The pressure for change came from political parties as well.
Much of the pressure for change has come from American computer and electronics companies which have closed ranks to demand that Washington relaxes the controls.
At CUNY in the fall of 2010, when we first started formulating the Pathways resolution, we were aware of, and influenced by, all of these pressures for change in higher education.
The pressure for this change came from bookstores, from major publishers, and from other online retailers.
«In that case, there is no pressure for change and it will be business - as - usual for the polluters.
«Creating widespread awareness of viable alternatives dramatically leverages the pressure for change
The pressure for change is coming from clients and would - be clients.
Even if you don't agree, your broker will feel the pressure for change.
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