Sentences with phrase «pressure of time»

Ability to work under pressure of time constraints while remaining professional and calm essential.
Anyway, because of the double pressure of those time restrictions and the challenge of working with new hardware, I think it was nearly impossible to revise the things we wanted to revise.
Also, I could multitask and communicate with colleagues under constant pressure of time and multiple priorities (which, I soon found out, book publishing and teaching have in common).
Strong attention to detail and possession of solid organizational and time management skills to be able to work independently and handle multiple priorities under pressure of time constraints
As Bass asserts, solutions for dea1ing with the increasing pressures of time — pressures that mar our days — will not be found in the writings of historians, economists or sociologists.
«One is it was being done under huge pressure of time.
BP seems the perfect place to set a cloak - and - dagger potboiler: a secret establishment full of eccentric characters using their wits to defeat a deadly foe against terrible pressure of time.
In this immense pressure of our time, we must study, teach, and advocate for healing practices that go deeper and more subtle than a traditional asana (movement) practice.
In many cases, students who have been diagnosed with a disability that impacts their ability to learn in a mainstream school environment benefit greatly from scaffolding tools that allow them to express themselves without anxiety or the feeling of pressures of time, and in a way that dignifies them without making them feel stigmatized.
Acknowledging the ideological pressures of the time, however, can lead to a deeper appreciation of the artists who worked within their confines.
As a country that was still living in the traumatic experiences that were caused by the political pressures of that time, the artists of Stars Group championed individuality and freedom of speech.
Recently, I've been thinking about how, in theorizing about painting, one of the things that Clement Greenberg never addresses is the constant pressure of time on the individual making the work, that time exerts a kind of constant pressure on you.
Importantly, request the time there're unlikely to be other pressure of time and timetabling for the person that you requested the meeting with
«Participation in game jams let's you test your skills under pressure of time.
The pressure of time has a way of adding undo stress to one's already - stressful life, and expecting too much too soon doesn't help.
And then besides these pressures of time there are also other enticements: who among us is immune to the thrill of achievement and recognition or to that of working for and buying that new possession?
Under the pressure of these times — groaning with the sense of impending crisis which will change our life decisively — increasing numbers of us are realizing that secular, technocratic liberalism can hardly name the malaise, much less respond to it.
«I have always said that I have not been dictated by the pressures of time when deciding my future.
While Mary rode on her donkey she would not have been thinking about her looming «due date» and the pressures of time.
Working with vulnerable populations in our world today involves special consideration of ethical guidelines and the ability to make ethical decisions often under the pressures of time and competing ethical demands.
Stress is killing us and the inability to deal with the pressure of the times.
Yoga strengthens the nerves, balances the glandular system (which is the guardian of health) and enables the entire endocrine system to function optimally giving long term ability to be non-reactive and deal effectively with the pressures of the times.
And you get to choose something while you're totally relaxed and without the pressure of time.
When a Ukrainian woman is able to enjoy the process of getting to know a potential partner, without the pressures of time, appearance or expectations, she is more likely to engage in a relaxed, honest and pleasurable way — making the whole experience all the more fun for both parties.
Playing out somewhere in between Schindler's List and The Diary of Anne Frank, Director Agnieszka Holland's In Darkness tells the tale of one man's struggle to justify what he knows is right against the pressures of the time, his personal ambitions, and the unpredictable nature of war of weather.
At St. Paternus University in Berkeley, CA, a small group of researchers has spent the last three years experimenting with the Lazarus serum, a discovery they hope will help the medical community escape the pressures of time, saving more patients while avoiding negative side effects and loss of cognitive function.
It's possible some players will get a real kick out of experimenting with all the combinations, but we kept feeling the pressure of time passing quickly and our need to find the bike parts was too much to worry about what weapons we could make — and regardless, most of the weapons in Case Zero can't be combined anyways.
Under pressure of time and as she charts her own course, Le Notre comes to recognize the value of «a little chaos» in Sabine's process.
However, pressure of time, budget constraints, or low Instructional Design...
However, pressure of time, budget constraints, or low Instructional Design skills shouldn't be an excuse to produce sub-standard learning material.
Restrictive training budgets and the pressure of time has made it difficult for existing teachers to retrain to take on board the new skills to deliver complex courses.
These include speaking in a non-standard English regional dialect, being less verbal in their oral language communications, having limited experience outside the community in which they reside, and being relatively unaffected by the pressures of time.
They're confronted with the pressures of time - consuming teacher evaluation systems, often imposed from above, making it harder for them to provide teachers with meaningful and effective instructional support.
Our writers can work under the pressure of time in order to deliver your project on time or even before deadline to give you more time for review and revision, if needed.
Most will need to be medically evaluated before they can be placed, and this is beyond her capability due to her low income, lack of personal transportation, and the pressures of time.
The Digital Melody team that IGP sent to Casual Connect in Berlin says — gamejams are useful for testing your skills under pressure of time, as well as they're just fun.
Even without the ATB, the importance of speed was still very much at the forefront of the battle system in Final Fantasy X. Commands could be executed without the pressure of time but rather, how fast the characters are, the kinds of spells that have been cast and other general conditions.
Although only offering a small selection of subjects currently, including music and performance, more options will be added soon — offering the prestige of studying at Goldsmiths, without the pressure of time.
Working across a dynamic range of materials, from porcelain to plywood and bronze to balloons, the artists call on us to reexamine the pressures of our time.
Wake the Town and Tell the People, a new group exhibition presented in the 5th floor gallery in collaboration with International Sculpture Center, highlights sculptors working across a dynamic range of materials, from porcelain to plywood and bronze to balloons, that call on us to reexamine the pressures of our time.
As a master printer, Balkin's portfolios provided a vehicle for creating provocative images unfettered by the pressures of time.
This resolution can provide a sense of security to both parties, allowing them to plan for their respective futures in the midst of a very difficult time in their lives, and an experienced Fairfax separation agreement attorney will be able to help to mitigate the pressures of this time.
This resolution can provide a sense of security to both parties, allowing them to plan for their respective futures in the middle of a difficult time in their lives, and an experienced Leesburg separation agreement attorney will be able to help to mitigate the pressures of this time.
This was more useful, though given the pressure of time and the number of issues it was difficult to explore any topic in great depth.
Must be able to work quickly and effectively under the pressure of time constraints whilst maintaining accuracy
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