Sentences with phrase «pressures of academic standards»

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The pressure of epistemological standards established by minimalistic philosophies was extremely strong at that time, and any philosopher who wanted to be treated seriously in academic circles had to take them into account.
Overemphasis on testing can put pressure on educators to focus on the lowest common denominator of academic standard.
Some of the root causes debated by MP's were the clear link to children's online habits which are keeping them isolated, sleep deprived and stuck in a dependence mode with low self - esteem, low self - confidence and fear of failing; along with too much pressure from a young age to pursue high academic standards; frequent cyberbullying and sexting; increased obsession with body awareness; and lack of skills that prepare children for life - such as resilience, within the curriculum.
While providers of public education certainly face the temptation to do what might look like taking the easy way out by letting academic standards decline, there is also countervailing pressure in the direction of higher standards.
The AFT had always backed tough disciplinary standards (which was clearly in the self - interest of teachers), but the new focus on academics would require much more of, and place greater pressure on, rank - and - file teachers.
In school, this translates into strong consumer pressure to lower academic standards, reduce requirements, and minimize the amount of learning that is needed to attain a particular level of credential.»
This practice, diametrically opposed to that in Singapore, which outperforms the United States in reading in English in spite of the fact that nearly everyone in that city - state speaks a different language at home, has no chance of narrowing the gap in academic literacy with native English speakers; instead it will exacerbate it, to be followed by more civil rights pressure on our universities to lower their academic standards still further in an attempt to achieve equal outcomes, in a vicious cycle that will continue the degradation of America's civil and academic life.
While providers of public education certainly face the temptation to do what might look like taking the easy way out by letting academic standards slip, there is also countervailing pressure in the direction of higher standards (especially, as long as there are competing standards in other states).
Via NY Times by Motoko Rich Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced on Thursday that states could delay the use of test results in teacher - performance ratings by another year, an acknowledgment, in effect, of the enormous pressures mounting on the nation's teachers because of new academic standards and more rigorous standardized testing.
As the standard of record - keeping in academic institutions is a slap - dashery cobbled together over decades by ill - organized and rivalrous individuals notable for independent thinking, subject to frequent upheaval and change, pressured at many levels internal and external, and with too many agendas, it's not unexpected when data management fails.
Another source of pressure for judges is the lifetime responsibility system, which two Chinese judges writing in an academic law journal called the «sword of Damocles hanging over judges» (法官办案责任追究是时刻悬挂在法官们头上的 «达摩克利斯之剑»), analyzing the drawbacks with the standards and their implications for judges.
Adult Nurse Practitioner — Duties & Responsibilities Provide exceptional patient care and medical team support across multiple medical specialties Currently completing clinical and academic work toward a master of science in nursing Utilize strong background in biology, chemistry and mathematics Maintain working knowledge of current medical technology, procedures, and standards of care Proven ability to remain calm and levelheaded in high pressure situations Direct therapeutic, educational, and recreational activities for eight developmentally disabled adults Responsible for patient health, safety, and attainment of therapy goals Train and supervise medical lab personnel ensuring efficient and professional operations Offer guidance and support to junior lab technicians and medical technologists Perform a wide variety of daily testing utilizing machines such as AXSYM — Hitachi RA 1000 CX 7 Responsible for preventative maintenance on machines by running calibrations and controls Successfully complete monthly state proficiency tests for therapeutic drug, blood, and urine chemistries Prioritize stat specimens for immediate reporting Maintain direct contact with clients to resolve problems regarding appropriate tests and specimens Oversee confidential patient information, customer service, phones, and other administrative functions as needed Perform all duties in a positive, professional, and courteous manner
However, in the face of unrelenting academic standards, many educators might feel pressured to short - change spending classroom time on SEL skills development and instead focus on content «coverage.»
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