Sentences with phrase «preterm labor on»

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Indeed I interviewed mothers for my book who did experience bleeding or symptoms of preterm labor; while some weaned to be on the safe side, some did not and they went on to have healthy babies.
To the anonymous member, I asked my doctor the very same question, and she said not to pump before baby arrives because it can cause uterine contractions, bringing on preterm labor!
In most cases, if you are on bed rest then you are already experiencing preterm labor symptoms where your baby is trying to escape the womb way too soon.
Aside from a small amount of erratic bleeding and a preterm labor scare that ended up being the stomach flu, my pregnancy was uneventful and flew by and before I knew it, I was out on maternity leave from work at 36 weeks and filling my calendar with social engagements to fill the days before my due date.
It largely focuses on colonization of the mother's vaginal tract and amniotic fluid with organisms that may be associated with poor outcomes * in pregnancy *, such as preterm labor.
After enduring a rough pregnancy that was met with one complication after another including a hemorrhage, blood thinners, shortening cervix, bed rest, preterm labor scares, severe anxiety with OCD, they finally welcomed their beautiful LIVING daughter, Brynnlea Orrin Abbott into this word on October 17, 2017 at 37 weeks +2 days.
As in any pregnancy, you should be on the look out for signs of preterm labor.
A Primer on the Signs of Preterm Labor Remember to contact your caregiver immediately if you experience any of these possible warning signs:
She gave birth to her first child, Lily, on Mother's Day 2010 after she went into preterm labor at 20 weeks.
So I know you've heard maybe it is possible occasionally sometimes to have twins you know a few hours apart or born on different days but on this situation, this woman actually went into very preterm labor, 24 weeks, 5 days.
After a not - so - easy pregnancy, due to preterm labor, doctors were able to stop labor with medication, and she went on to deliver a healthy and alive baby boy in November of 2014.
Another way doctors monitor any abnormalities in baby which could lead to preterm labor is to place a monitor on the woman's abdomen to check the baby's heart rate.
Sometimes women at high risk of preterm labor will choose home uterine monitoring, which is basically a belt they strap on twice a day for an hour each time.
The study, titled Impact of Fetal Gender on the Risk of Preterm, a Dutch nationwide study, looked at 1,947,266 singleton births by Caucasian women between 1999 and 2010 with a fetus alive at the onset of labor.
Insomnia compounds other health problems Rebecca Wiseman, 26, started having sleep problems during her last pregnancy when she was put on hospital bed rest for preterm labor.
Facts: Numerous studies on animals have shown that caffeine can cause birth defects, premature labor, preterm delivery, reduced fertility, and increase the risk of low - birth weight offspring and other reproductive problems.
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