Sentences with phrase «pretty cel shaded»

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It isn't a bad game, since the combat is pretty enjoyable, and the cel - shaded graphics really work for the whole action - comedy vibe it has going, but by restricting the ability to explore and do other things other than just fighting waves of enemies, it becomes a repetitive brawler.
I consider the PSP to be pretty close to the last generation of consoles in - terms of power (PS2, Gamecube), and one way I always found that worked for the systems visually back then and still holds up today is cel - shading (Wind Waker, Jet Grind Radio)
That's the beauty of cel - shaded visuals: even if they are clearly last - gen in terms of quality, they still look pretty great, without aging a single day.
While cel - shading can make anything look passably pretty enough, the graphics here are nonetheless rudimentary in nature, reminiscent of the kind of earlier cel - shaded visuals one might find in games several generations old.
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