Sentences with phrase «pretty neat story»

Our New York City Advocacy Manger John Sanchez is a pretty cool guy with a pretty neat story.
has some pretty neat stories of how he sold all his socal and bought texas went through these issues sold all texas and went back to socal which was a much better play.

Not exact matches

The story was well done tough and the facial animations are pretty neat.
However, backtracking in certain objectives is troubling and can cause frustration at times, besides that it has a solid story and pretty neat sticker elements during battles, but that's the only use
A pretty neat telling of the story, good acting, but I felt the way it was paced left much to be desired.
It is a pretty standard FPS with a great story and some neat features.
There is a pretty wacky story used to intertwine various songs / dances together into a nice neat package.
While it's neat to see some of my favorite characters in recent memory come together in pretty HD - cutscenes, the story I was experiencing was paper thin, and only served as a means to an end so these characters could come together.
The action scenes are pretty damn neat (though the special effects are terrible), but the other scenes... medium shots, close - ups... Story's out of his compositional depth.
This is a pretty neat writeup... Ash Brown has the story of Masaichi Mukaide's translated work, credited as «the first Japanese comics to be translated into English».
I have to admit, as much Rumiko Takahashi's tendacy to overstretch her series gets a tad on my nerves, I still have a big soft spot for her stories and I think an anime adaptation of Inu - Yasha «s finale is pretty neat and all the more spiffy that we'll get to watch it so soon.
What is actually pretty neat however is that you can carry over your character from your Thousand Years war playthrough, giving you a bit of an edge over the AI as you'll have leveled up for quite sometime and you'll start this new story line with a high level character.
Despite some neat things about this paper (IMO), and how well it fits into a story about how science really works (again, IMO), it did not get picked up by any of the more specialised journalists (ATTP did write a pretty sensible blog post though).
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