Sentences with phrase «pretty ridiculous idea»

Not exact matches

The idea that he's anti-semitic is pretty ridiculous.
The whole idea of appeasing gods through sacrifice or scapegoating ones sins, even in the case of Jesus, is pretty ridiculous isn't it?
Pretty pathetic that you've lapped up the ridiculous idea only a world class St could enhance this Arsenal team.
Having only just come around to the word «jeggings» (However, I refuse to spend time with anyone who owns a pair - sorry not sorry) the idea of a «shacked» seemed pretty ridiculous.
Though the interactions between Scott and his helper ants are pretty ridiculous, the film completely owns it, which goes a long way in selling the idea of a superhero working alongside insects.
If you accept that there are tens of thousands of pit bulls have rewarding lives, then the idea that they possess some type of gene that causes them to snap seems pretty ridiculous — because if there is a breed - specific gene that causes this, then they would all, by definition, have to have it.
The idea that the leader of one of these regions is so petty and childish seems pretty ridiculous.
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