Sentences with phrase «prevent anal»

To prevent anal gland problems, it's a good idea to put your dog on a fiber - rich diet from the get - go, as it is a lot easier to prevent anal gland problems through diet than to get rid of an existing one.
This may be to bulk up the stool and prevent anal gland issues.
What can be done to prevent anal gland problems?
In order to understand how to prevent anal gland problems it is important to understand the first question of what causes anal gland problems.
Trim hair away from anal area to prevent anal impaction problems.
They can also help keep stools of pets on high meat diets large and pliable which in turn helps prevent anal sac disease.
Of course, it's much better to prevent anal gland problems than treat once they develop.
«Elective cesarean section to prevent anal incontinence and brachial plexus injuries associated with macrosomia — a decision analysis.»
Keeping your dog at a healthy weight and ensuring he gets sufficient exercise are also keys to preventing anal gland problems.
The insoluble fiber is important in preventing constipation, ensures firmer stools, and prevents anal sac impaction.

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The rationale behind the recommendation is that the vaccine prevents genital warts and anal cancers in males, both of which can be caused by HPV
«Based on epidemiological studies, the 9vHPV vaccine could prevent approximately 90 percent of cervical cancer, 90 percent of HPV - related vulvar and vaginal cancer, 70 to 85 percent of high - grade cervical disease in females, and approximately 90 percent of HPV - related anal cancer and genital warts in males and females worldwide,» explained Anna R. Giuliano, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Infection Research in Cancer at Moffitt.
A mathematical model developed by NIH grantees predicts that women must take the antiretroviral medication Truvada daily to prevent HIV infection via vaginal sex, whereas just two doses per week can protect men from HIV infection via anal sex.
HIV - positive men as well as those who had not tested positive held increased beliefs reflecting public health messages that ART prevents HIV and therefore make condomless anal sex safe.
The panel's recommendation is intended to prevent genital warts and anal cancers in males, and possibly prevent head and neck cancer (though the vaccine's effectiveness against head and neck cancers has not yet been proven).
«There has been an increase in the understanding that condom-less anal sex is not risky» if men take a drug to prevent HIV infection or take medication if they are already infected, explained Jeffrey Parsons, who was not involved with the study.
And if youre prone to UTIs, avoid positions like doggy - style and anal sex to help prevent bacteria from the bowel from sneaking into the vagina, says Marie Fidela Paraiso, MD, chief of urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery at the Cleveland Clinic.
A dental dam is a latex barrier that can be placed over the vulva / vagina (and anal area if involved) to prevent skin - to - skin contact during oral sex.
Itchy bums can be caused by full (unexpressed) anal glands, and these need to be drained immediately to prevent impaction, infections, and other resulting conditions.
Your veterinarian may advise you to have the anal sacs expressed more regularly to prevent future impactions.
Routine emptying of these sacs can help to prevent unwanted smells, as well as potential side effects from impacted or ruptured anal glands that go unemptied.
Read this article to find out how to express your dog's anal gland at home and this one on how to prevent the issue from occurring again in the future, by changing your dog's diet.
The recommended treatment for anal gland tumors is complete surgical excision followed by chemotherapy (e.g. carboplatin or mitoxantrone) in order to prevent or slow the onset of metastasis.
These products tend to be shelved right near the probiotics (and are sometimes bundled together with them in the same products), along with supplements that claim they'll resolve anal gland issues and prevent scooting.
After surgery, your dog may be given an Elizabethan collar to prevent him from interfering with his anal area.
If you are not sure if your cat's anal sacs are becoming impacted, please bring your cat into see us and we can examine them to find out, and express them if they are full to prevent rupture.
This not only facilitates pickup but a hard stool massages the anal glands and seems to prevent problems.
Your veterinarian or groomer can express the anal sacs to prevent ongoing odor.
There is also some thought that an increase in fiber can help ease swelling in anal glands, which reduces discomfort and prevents your dog from compulsively dragging their butt across the floor.
Would very full anal glands prevent a small female poodle from completely emptying her bladder and thus lead to regression in house training?
I brought her in to work with me (I am a registered veterinary technician at an emergency clinic) and one of my doctors recommended Glandex to prevent any further anal gland issues.
This should be done prior to any intercourse, oral or anal sex, to prevent pregnancy.
If you're having anal or oral sex, condoms and dental dams help prevent STDs.
If you or your partner have had oral, vaginal, or anal sex in the past, getting tested can help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections.
If you have anal, oral, or vaginal sex, the best way to prevent STDs is using barriers like condoms and dams.
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