Sentences with phrase «prevent early tooth»

Dental hygiene is important to prevent early tooth loss.

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A child with tooth decay needs to be examined and treated early to stop the decay from spreading and to prevent further damage.
Initiating the dental checkups this early is the best way to prevent teeth problems, and if any problems have occurred, the dentist will detect and treat them before it is too late.
Finding new ways to take care of my teeth and prevent cavities was one of my earliest experiments on the road to healthy living and the results convinced me of the power of a real food diet.
Encouraging the natural repair of teeth prevents cavities from forming and helps heal early stages of decay, as long as the surface of the tooth is intact.
Toothbrush — Establishing good brushing habits early prevents bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.
A regular dental check - up for your pet allows us to recognize problems early so we are able to prevent dental disease such as: gingivitis, abscesses, tooth loss and decay, bone infections, tooth / bone fractures.
Vocabulary Elimination Training Teaching Contented Kennel Confinement Teaching Positive Chewing Puppy Play Biting Rewards and Corrections Leadership Through Learn to Earn - SAMPLE Leadership Exercises Using Food as a Training Tool Puppy Proofing the Home Early Socialization Socialization Check List Socialization Classes Teaching «Sit» Teaching «Stay» Teaching «Come» Teaching «Easy» Teaching «Let's Go» Teaching «Off» Pass the Puppy Party Suspension Gentling Exercises Advanced Gentling Child Safety Children Introduced to Dogs Children Relating to Dogs House Rules Household Manners Close Tether Training Rawhide Chews Toys Leashes and Collars Head Collars Leash Walking Preventing Separation Anxiety Preventing Aggression Toward Family Members Preventing Household Destruction Preventing Jumping on People Preventing Destructive Play Preventing Food Bowl Aggression Preventing Excessive Barking Preventing Excessive Whining Preventing Excessive Licking of People Preventing Excessive Urine Marking Preventing Aggressive Play Traveling and Waiting in the Car Jogging With Dogs Waiting at Curbs Spaying and Neutering Identification Food and Water Nutrition and Behavior Bathing Gentle Grooming Nail Trimming Nail Trim First Aide Teeth Brushing Teething
The earlier you start brushing your pet's teeth, the greater are the chances that bacterial colonization can be prevented.
Most IGs will develop periodontal disease at an early age and require daily dental care to prevent tooth loss.
Also, even the best - kept rabbits can develop dental disease, and once - a-year visits to the vet's office (and more frequently as they age) can help find early changes in the teeth, which may help prevent some of those terrible dental abscesses that can plague our pet rabbits.
The teeth need to be brushed daily to prevent the onset of periodontal disease, and even then may need professional cleaning early in life.
If we get on top of this plaque now, by cleaning this tooth professionally with non-anesthetic dentistry, and use the prevention measure discussed earlier, we can prevent it from getting gingivitis, and all its associated problems.
Remember, dental disease is progressive and if caught early can prevent further damage and save teeth.
If detected early, you can prevent further damage and save as many teeth as possible.
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