Sentences with phrase «prevent hypothermia»

Cold You know how dogs shake off excess water to prevent hypothermia?
In fact, this reflex actually helps dogs to prevent hypothermia because all of that water can make them feel really cold if it just hangs around in their fur.
If the temperatures are well below freezing, it is important to prevent hypothermia in the first place.
During anesthesia the doctors and technicians carefully prevent hypothermia with circulating warm water pads and Bair Hugger Warmers (warm air blankets) enveloping each patient.
We also provide warming blankets to prevent hypothermia.
Prevent hypothermia by providing plenty of thick bedding and a selection of hide boxes of different sizes so your hamster can pick the one that keeps it warm and comfortable.
These muscles have been used in the past to trek through treacherous weather conditions; to find and dig out humans trapped beneath avalanches or heavy snowfall; and to lie on top of the injured to prevent hypothermia until help arrived.

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Let's keep our pets safe this winter and prevent them from getting frostbite, hypothermia or getting injured.
The best way to avoid hypothermia is to prevent it.
There is actually a phrase you may have heard before, «a 3 dog night», which actually originates from extremely cold nights that meant humans would cuddle up with 3 of their dogs to prevent them dying from hypothermia.
They need the extra warmth of small dog clothing to keep them warm and prevent them from hypothermia.
«Hypothermia Treatment for Newborns Suffering from Acute Hypoxic Encephalopathy,» American Conference Institute's 11th Annual Advanced Forum on Preventing, Managing and Defending Claims of Obstetric Malpractice, Presentation, 2012.
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