Sentences with phrase «prevent plaque and tartar»

Products that help prevent plaque and tartar build - up on teeth, that help reduce odor or that prevent tearstains should all be mentioned to customers when discussing the importance of proper hydration.
A home dental care regimen, including regular brushing, can help prevent plaque and tartar buildup and fight periodontal disease.
As far as the enzymes in raw food, it is my understanding that they can help maintain oral health and prevent plaque and tartar build up.
In this food it is likely used as part of the fiber blend to help prevent plaque and tartar.
You can can also apply OraVet Treatment to help prevent plaque and tartar buildup above and below the gum line.
Your home care will help to prevent plaque and tartar from accumulating on your dog's teeth but it won't get rid of what's already there.
The active ingredient chlorhexidine kills bacteria to help prevent plaque and tartar build - up.
Adding a water additive to your cat's drinking bowl each day, or as often as recommended by your veterinarian, can help eliminate bacteria, prevent plaque and tartar buildup, and keep your cat's breath smelling fresh.
Some special diets are available from your vet that are specifically aimed to help prevent plaque and tartar formation.
Like humans, brushing will not only prevent plaque and tartar formation; it will also promote healthy gums and reduce halitosis (bad breath).
In these cases, there are still ways in which you can help prevent plaque and tartar formation:
With regular cleanings and at - home dental care, you can prevent plaque and tartar build - up on your pet's teeth, and prevent the onset of periodontal disease.
There are several home care oral hygiene options from which to choose, but keep in mind that anything you can do to help prevent plaque and tartar accumulation will pay big dividends.
Given correctly, oral maintenance products can prevent plaque and tartar that lead to gingivitis and tooth loosening.
Oravet is a sealant that is applied to the teeth in order to maintain the smooth, clean surface of the teeth, and prevent plaque and tartar from building up on the healthy enamel.
We recommend having your dogs teeth checked every six months to prevent plaque and tartar build up.
The council has established some basic protocols for both cats and dogs to determine which treats were effective in mechanically or chemically helping prevent plaque and tartar build - up on teeth.
CET Chews are nutritious dental hygiene treats for dogs and cats that help clean teeth, freshen breath, and prevent plaque and tartar buildup.
While the main purpose of dental treats is to help prevent plaque and tartar build - up from the teeth and gums, they might also freshen your furry companion's breath, says Dr. Leslie.
These help dogs prevent plaque and tartar buildup, but be careful about the size you choose as some large breed dogs might be able to swallow them in a few bites rather than gnaw on them.
Our veterinarian - recommended Advanced Oral Care Natural Tartar Remover with Natural - C and green tea extract helps prevent plaque and tartar buildup and freshens your dog's breath.
In this food it is likely used as part of the mix to help prevent plaque and tartar, but it can still be an issue for some dogs (read more here).
If you can not brush your cat's teeth, there are veterinary approved dental diets & treats that have been proven to reduce and prevent plaque and tartar.
While brushing pet teeth daily is the best way to prevent plaque and tartar buildup, they're are additional products that can make the fight easier.
The Gel Has an added Enzyme that helps form a protective barrier on the teeth to help prevent plaque and tartar build up which causes bad breath and potentially other diseases throughout the body.
There are a wide variety of home care options from which to choose, but keep in mind that anything you can do to help prevent plaque and tartar accumulation will pay back big dividends.
But the ultimate goal is to prevent plaque and tartar and not to cause stress for you or your dog.
This important activity prevents plaque and tartar from forming and eases the pain of teething.
However, we were able to substantiate the company's claims about the food being good for your dog's teeth and preventing plaque and tartar.
Dry food is recommended for dogs, as it helps preventing plaque and tartar, so the dog is less exposed to gum disease.

Not exact matches

The natural ingredients help remove dental plaque and prevent interdental tartar from forming.
Chia is rich in Zinc which prevents tartar by keeping plaque from mineralizing on your teeth and has an antibacterial effect that keeps bad breath germs away.
Brushing the teeth is the «gold standard» (same as for people), and every day would be great, but no less than every other day, in order to prevent the bio film (plaque) from forming into calculus and tartar (the hard yellow brown deposit on the teeth at the gingival margins).
Breath-Less Plaque Zapper helps maintain saliva's natural pH. Pet owners simply empty a packet into a pet's drinking water to help prevent dental decay, plaque, tartar and bad bPlaque Zapper helps maintain saliva's natural pH. Pet owners simply empty a packet into a pet's drinking water to help prevent dental decay, plaque, tartar and bad bplaque, tartar and bad breath.
Fizzy Plaque Zapper helps maintain saliva's natural pH. Pet owners simply empty a packet into a pet's drinking water to help prevent dental decay, plaque, tartar and bad bPlaque Zapper helps maintain saliva's natural pH. Pet owners simply empty a packet into a pet's drinking water to help prevent dental decay, plaque, tartar and bad bplaque, tartar and bad breath.
Brushing your dog's teeth regularly not only gets rid of bad dog breath, but also prevents dog plaque and tartar buildup.
Those treats beware of plaque and prevent the formation of tartar.
Many serious dental health issues like gum disease are caused by an accumulation of plaque and tartar, but Feline Greenies Dental Treats can help prevent them.
Keeps teeth and gums healthy by neutralizing ph levels in your pet's saliva Neutralizes ph levels for eight hours with 30 convenient portioned packets Helps promote proper oral health by disrupting growth of plaque and tartar buildup Tasteless, odorless, and colorless so your pet won?t change drinking or eating habits Formulated by veterinarians prevents harmful bacteria from growing in pets mouth
Simply brushing your dog's teeth regularly can help prevent the buildup up plaque and tartar that leads to gum disease and other more serious health issues.
Look for pet food that helps prevent tartar buildup by «brushing» the teeth as it's chewed and slowing down the process that turns plaque into tartar.
All at - home methods share the goal of trying to prevent and control periodontal disease by minimizing plaque and tartar.
This prevents plaque accumulating on his teeth and gums, and hardening into tartar.
This process smoothens the enamel, which helps to prevent future build - up of plaque and tartar.
A proper dental cleaning is a must for getting rid of bacterial plaque and tartar, as well as preventing gingivitis, gum recession, infection, and tooth loss.
All methods of home care share the goal of minimizing plaque (bacterial film) accumulation, and preventing the mineralization of the plaque to form calculus («tartar»).
At any rate, you will be able to help prevent tartar and plaque buildup while also ensuring your mutt's breath smells really fresh when it's time for some cuddling.
The chewy texture of the Greenies TEENIE serves like a brush on your pooch's teeth and a sponge on the gums so that food particles are effectively removed and the formation of plaque and tartar is prevented.
Now, if you're only after the mechanical removal of dental debris so that you can effectively prevent the development or occurrence of plaque and tartar on your pet's dentition, then Pawstruck's Natural Cow Hooves for Dogs preparation should come in very handy.
These work by mechanically removing plaque or by additives that prevent formation of plaque and mineralization of tartar.
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