Sentences with phrase «preventing accidents»

Preventing accidents requires that you become aware of how often your puppy needs to eliminate.
When housebreaking a puppy, noticing these signs can be the key to preventing accidents and taking action before the imminent threat.
Enabling success is not just about preventing accidents, but teaching in a positive and constructive manner, which builds trust between you and your dog.
Your job is to making peeing outside more rewarding than peeing inside AND preventing the accidents inside because each time that happens, your puppy is being inadvertently rewarded for that behavior.
This teaches your greyhound where his new home is and where he is supposed to «go,» and helps relieve the tension of a strange place, thus preventing accidents.
The area where most people fall short in house - training is preventing accidents.
Great hub with important information for dog owners so that they can keep their pets safe and content and also help protect their own lives and the lives of their family members by preventing accidents that can be caused by an unruly, unhappy pet.
Preventing accidents in the house and establishing a strong, positive association with elimination in outdoor areas are the most effective means of house training your new dog and avoiding house training problems later.
Remember, this method of housetraining is based on PREVENTING accidents.
By preventing accidents in the house, you'll teach him that the only appropriate bathroom is the one outside!
Preventing accidents through crate training or paper training is more effective.
Part of protecting your family on the road is preventing accidents from happening in the first place.
The newly developed Speed Limit Assist system (optional extra) reminds drivers of the speed limit currently in force by displaying it in the instrument cluster — a further contribution towards preventing accidents.
With this system, Mercedes - Benz is making a further contribution towards preventing accidents as, according to studies, around a quarter of all serious road accidents are caused by drowsy drivers — making drowsiness an even bigger cause of accidents than drink - driving.
Active safety technologies play a major role in preventing accidents as well.
They've had some impact, but overall, they haven't been as successful at preventing accidents as many would have hoped.
Volvo has built its reputation on building cars that are among the safest on the road, but while it was once enough to build boxy vehicles reinforced like bank vaults, technology is now playing an increasingly significant role in mitigating or preventing accidents altogether.
The project will also reduce congestion, preventing accidents and curtailing auto emissions.
Many of the activities focus on health issues, like water and sanitation, diarrheal disease and preventing accidents, but Child - to - Child has also been successful in meeting the social and emotional needs of children such as addressing the prevalence of psychological problems including PTSD.
After all, we are in the business of preventing accidents and doing our best to provide fun, enjoyment, exhilaration and achievement etc., and return home safely every time.
In addition to research initiatives, ACC programs focus on anticipating and preventing accidents, as well as educating the public about how to use our products safely.
Malliotakis has also supported converting all traffic signals into Smart Lights that use sensors and artificial intelligence to control the flow of traffic and reduce congestion, while also preventing accidents and cutting down on vehicle emissions.
«Jesse Norman's bill was a smokescreen and the Tories should be using parliamentary time to fix the economy rather than wasting valuable time targeting dedicated men and women who spend their days preventing accidents, avoiding tribunals and supporting their colleagues.»
Co-sleeping speeds up nighttime dryness: If you are co-sleeping it is much easier to tell when your child is waking to go to the toilet thus preventing accidents and re-enforcing potty training with minimal effort.
Learn as much as you can about baby proofing your home now, and preventing accidents when you are away from home.
Beyond preventing accidents, keeping up - to - date on preventative maintenance can reduce bigger issues that can occur as the vehicle ages and lead to a decrease in downtime.
Of course, that does not mean the technology is perfect in preventing all accidents.
Combining the traditional world of shipping with the new world of data, it helps governments reduce the trafficking of arms, drugs and people; and saves lives by predicting and preventing accidents.
This sort of low latency is expected to be a key advancement in the shift toward increasingly autonomous vehicles, providing cars with the ability to sense one another and react in time to prevent accidents.
I also learned how self - driving cars could prevent accidents when a car from the right jumped into my lane just as the setting sun blinded me.
Outside of factories, these sensors have been used by high - speed train drivers to prevent accidents.
Remember, staying safe at work can help prevent accidents, injuries and illness.
«Tesla Autopilot does not prevent all accidents — such a standard would be impossible — but it makes them much less likely to occur.
Russo says some large national shippers design routes so that their drivers make as few left hand turns as possible, to save on fuel waiting and help prevent accidents.
Luke argues InteraXon's technology can prevent accidents from happening by identifying changes in cognitive performance early on and alerting drivers when they lose focus.
Even if fully autonomous cars don't work out as planned (some critics think it's a distant pipe dream), autopilot tech that aids drivers and prevents accidents is available now on Tesla EVs and other cars.
Tesla also cautioned that Autopilot does not prevent all accidents, but it does make them less likely to occur.
Reducing the explosiveness of the crude moved by rail was not supposed to be a cure - all to prevent accidents.
To reduce the harm done by automobile accidents we wear seat belts and install air - bags but we also take steps to prevent accidents in the first place!
Why would I start praying when a god could have prevented the accident to begin with?
It is immoral if you do not try to prevent the accident from occuring again.
Guns are not going anywhere so require proper training and education so we can help prevent accidents within the legal carrying society.
A slight delay or advance in time would have prevented the accident — is that too much to ask?
Strong feet can help to prevent accidents to the returning.
The top riders can reach speeds of up to 60kpm so the absence of brakes is vital to prevent accidents, as riders are able to ride close together at high speeds without the worry of someone ahead suddenly slamming their brakes on.
(To prevent accidents, screw frames and other decorative items directly to the wall instead of hanging them.)
(Be sure to anchor the trunk to the wall to prevent accidents.)
In case your baby falls, the soft, inflated sides prevent any accidents from happening.
Before using it, ensure your baby has very good head control as this will help with balance in standing and prevent accident.
Another way to prevent accidents is to ensure that all wall décor is secure.
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