Sentences with phrase «preventing cell mutations»

• Catechins help fight against cancer by preventing cell mutations and deactivating free radicals in the body.

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Folate helps prevent the formation of cancer cells due to DNA mutation.
The mutation, in a gene called HTR2B, prevents production of the serotonin 2B receptor, a key docking point in brain cells for the neurotransmitter serotonin.
In DBA, a mutation prevents a patient's bone marrow from producing normal quantities of red blood cells, resulting in severe, sometimes life - threatening anemia.
PTEN prevents tumor cells from growing uncontrollably, and mutations in the gene encoding this protein are commonly found in many different types of cancer.
The virus must lock onto this protein before it can invade white blood cells, and the mutations prevent it from doing so.
The virus must lock onto this protein before it can invade white blood cells, and the mutations prevent this.
And indeed, adding a solvent to the cells that scarfed up oxygen prevented the mutations.
The authors said their results, which they have made publicly available, constitute an invaluable resource to help clinicians predict which chemotherapies will be most effective against tumor cells with particular genetic mutations, and how to rationally combine therapies to prevent cancers from developing resistance.
In patient - derived stem cells carrying a mutation predisposing them to frontotemporal dementia, which accounts for about half of dementia cases before the age of 60, the scientists found a targetable defect that prevents normal neurodevelopment.
The disease is caused by a genetic mutation that prevents a protein required to keep muscle cells intact from being produced.
«Understanding the crosstalk between acinar cells with Kras mutations and the microenvironment of those cells is key to developing targeted strategies to prevent and treat this cancer,» he says.
Normally, healthy cells have their own protective mechanisms to prevent mutations from accumulating.
Some humans naturally carry this mutation (known as CCR5Δ32) and they are resistant to HIV, because the mutation alters the CCR5 protein in a way that prevents the virus from entering the T cells it tries to infect.
Studies had shown that substances in some vegetables help prevent mutations that turn normal cells cancerous.
In the new work, published April 6 in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, the researchers snipped a gene called CCR5 to introduce a mutation that prevents HIV from entering cells.
This in vitro fertilization (IVF) strategy, described in Nature last year by researchers from Newcastle University, is intended to prevent the many different diseases that can result from mutations in the DNA of mitochondria, the energy - generating organelles in most cells.
Telomeres are DNA regions at the ends of our chromosomes that protect the genetic data of cells, preventing mutations and alterations in the DNA that could potentially cause disease.
Mutations that stopped this cord formation also prevented BCG from killing infected mice, they report in the April Molecular Cell.
However, the new findings suggest the possibility of treatments that would prevent neuronal damage by restoring the healthy balance of phase separation in the cells of people with ALS / FTD mutations.
Retrotransposons are normally silenced to prevent harmful mutations from occurring in egg and sperm cells, but are mobilized during certain stages of brain development, when neurons are being produced from dividing stem cells.
The mutation they carry alters the regulation of other genes, but which of these prevent AML cells from becoming normal blood - forming cells is largely unknown.
On the one hand, it regulates progression from premalignancy to malignancy, most likely by preventing oxidative stress - induced death of HCC - initiating cells, thereby allowing such cells to accumulate multiple oncogenic mutations, while promoting their growth through mTORC1.
Mutations in the PTEN gene prevent the proper regulation of cell proliferation.
These isogenic cell lines can be used not only to understand the cellular consequences of disease mutations, but also to perform high throughput genetic and pharmacological screens to both understand the underlying pathological mechanisms and to develop novel therapeutic agents to prevent or treat such diseases.
Should stem cell editing occur, the CRISPR components would only need to be expressed for a short period of time, which would prevent the accumulation of unwanted mutations over time.
For example, some mutations may accelerate cell growth, while others may prevent cells from dying when the cease to function properly.
Both antioxidant compounds work reducing the proliferation of reactive oxygen species in cells, preventing mutations and dead due to oxidative stress.
Rhodiola is a «powerful antioxidant» that may help prevent or repair cancer - related cell mutations.
The antioxidant protection this herb provides may help prevent the damage to cells that could lead to mutation and cancer.
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