Sentences with phrase «preventing endothelial dysfunction»

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Therefore, the primary novelty of the discoveries reported here is that programming by prenatal chronic hypoxia of cardiac and vascular dysfunction in adulthood follows the induction of oxidative stress in the fetal heart and vasculature, and that cardiac and endothelial dysfunction in adulthood can both be prevented by maternal treatment with antioxidants during pregnancy.
The results suggest that effective therapeutic agents could be developed to enhance the effects of GLP - 1R on the endothelium which may prevent glomerular endothelial dysfunction and slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy.
This comes in the wake of over a decade worth of research showing that chocolate and / or cocoa lowers blood pressure, prevents or ameliorates endothelial dysfunction (a primary contributor to atherosclerosis), protects against coronary artery disease, reduces stroke risk, prevents cholesterol oxidation (which converts healthy lipoproteins into artherogenic ones), to name only 5 of 70 + potential health benefits associated with its regular consumption.
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