Sentences with phrase «preventing plaque formation»

It may be necessary for a drug to inhibit some, but not all, of the enzyme, enough to prevent plaque formation but also preserve normal signaling between nerve cells, Yan says.
Green tea also lowers cholesterol, stabilizes blood sugar, improves memory, and prevents plaque formation associated with Alzheimer's disease.
These work best to prevent plaque formation, so are great to use in - between dental cleanings.
It is possible that feeding only soft / wet food provides little or no abrasive action against the teeth when chewing, and so offers little to prevent plaque formation.

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It also is a source of catechins, which can help improve HDL or «good» cholesterol and polyphenols, which may prevent the formation of toxic plaque that leads to Alzheimer's disease.
In a study published in the journal Cell Reports, Drs. Per Nilsson, Takaomi Saido and their team show for the first time using transgenic mice that a lack of autophagy in neurons prevents the secretion of amyloid beta and the formation of amyloid beta plaques in the brain.
In persons with the disease, the formation of amyloid plaque aggregates, a process known to cause the onset of Alzheimer's disease, prevents the Crtc1 protein from functioning correctly.
«This study is another demonstration of the benefits of this supplement in reducing the accumulation of soft plaque and preventing the formation of new plaque in the arteries, which can cause heart disease,» said Matthew J. Budoff, MD, an LA BioMed lead researcher.
We report that immunization of the young animals essentially prevented the development of beta - amyloid - plaque formation, neuritic dystrophy and astrogliosis.
Studies show that menthol can also reduce existing plaque and prevent the formation of new plaque.2
Reduced risks of heart disease: «In animal studies, CLA has demonstrated potent anti-atherogenic effects, preventing fatty streak and plaque formation in the arteries of rodents by changing macrophage lipid metabolism.»
In addition, olive leaf extracts reduce the «stickiness» of blood platelets, thereby directly preventing the formation of arterial plaques and cutting risk of heart attack and stroke.
These mechanisms include decreasing cholesterol, preventing thrombogenesis, decreasing triglyceride levels and preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaque.
Plaque buildup worsens with stiffer arteries, so preventing arterial plaque formation may be a critical factor in the prevention of demPlaque buildup worsens with stiffer arteries, so preventing arterial plaque formation may be a critical factor in the prevention of demplaque formation may be a critical factor in the prevention of dementia.
Magnesium is a cofactor for enzymes that break down and prevent the formation of amyloid - beta plaques.
Garlic's essential oil has proven effective lowering blood pressure and preventing the formation of arterial plaque.
And still other research suggests chocolate consumption may lower blood pressure, help prevent formation of artery plaques and improve blood flow.
Nitric oxide also helps prevent clot formation and plaque buildup on artery walls that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Those treats beware of plaque and prevent the formation of tartar.
Many of these are seaweed derivatives and help to break down plaque and prevent bacteria formation.
The chewy texture of the Greenies TEENIE serves like a brush on your pooch's teeth and a sponge on the gums so that food particles are effectively removed and the formation of plaque and tartar is prevented.
These work by mechanically removing plaque or by additives that prevent formation of plaque and mineralization of tartar.
Treatment of juvenile gingivitis includes eliminating and preventing plaque and calculus formation by performing a thorough teeth cleaning and polishing.
C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews feature an exclusive dual enzyme system, which helps prevent the formation of plaque and bacteria buildup.
Besides that, raw diet food usually doesn't stick to the dogs» teeth, thus preventing the formation of plaque and tartar.
Chew toys help prevent dog plaque formation and even scrape plaque off dog's teeth.
In these cases, there are still ways in which you can help prevent plaque and tartar formation:
They come in different flavours and can be helpful in reducing (but not preventing) plaque and tartar formation - ask your vet what the most effective dental chews are.
Like humans, brushing will not only prevent plaque and tartar formation; it will also promote healthy gums and reduce halitosis (bad breath).
Some special diets are available from your vet that are specifically aimed to help prevent plaque and tartar formation.
Chlorhexidine Rinse disrupts the formation of biofilm and thus prevents plaque build - up and tartar.
Other Ways to Prevent Dental Problems Give your pooch treats that are specially formulated to keep canine teeth healthy, and ask your vet about a specially formulated dry food that can slow down the formation of plaque and tartar.
The Veterinary Oral Health Council has awarded several dog dental products a seal of acceptance for helping prevent the formation of plaque.
HDL cholesterol is the «good» kind that prevents formation of artery - blocking plaque deposits.
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