Sentences with phrase «previous approaches»

This way of modelling differs from previous approaches in which the starting point was a story or scenario about economic and social development that led to emissions.
The process is a major departure from previous approaches, which have focused on adding metallic or ceramic fillers to plastics.
By understanding the millennial teacher and creating a rich teaching and learning environment that challenges previous approaches, school leaders can engage and retain this generation of teachers.
The resources employ a strength based collaborative model which is a seismic shift from previous approaches.
But the euro zone's previous approach of trying to shield creditors from losses via endless bailouts was making the region's debt problems worse.
«Compared with previous approaches, our design provides a reliable, fast, reversible strategy that can achieve both high battery performance and improved safety,» Cui said.
«Previous approaches took 40 to 50 days, and then the efficiency was very low — 20 to 30 percent.
Rangers are expected to pay an initial fee of around # 750,000 for the former Nottingham Forest man, 28, having continued to pursue a deal despite previous approaches being rejected.
An important improvement of their model over previous approaches is that it accounts for limited information and memory of individual foragers.
Trap - Neuter - Return (TNR) is the approved method of controlling feral cats in NYC and has been successfully practiced internationally where previous approaches had repeatedly failed.
The current work examines previous approaches to the measurement of parents» child feeding behaviors and outlines the development and initial validation of a new self - report instrument that examines multiple feeding behaviors.
The idea was a decided shift away from previous approaches.
«Previous approaches took 40 to 50 days, and then the efficiency was very low - 20 to 30 percent.
«I will not abandon a previous approach whose logic I understand even though it may mean forgoing large, and apparently easy, profits to embrace an approach which I don't fully understand, have not practiced successfully and which, possibly, could lead to substantial permanent loss of capital.»
White House advisers, in turn, have complained that previous approaches to dealing with China have not worked, and that companies are overreacting to legitimate trade measures.
«I will not abandon a previous approach whose logic I understand even though it may mean foregoing large and apparently easy, profits to embrace an approach which I don't fully understand, have not practiced successfully and which, possibly, could lead to substantial permanent loss of capital.»
Through its accepting fellowship it has been more successful than any previous approach in helping the alcoholic to feel accepted by life and, therefore, to accept himself.
In his view of man Worcester (in contrast to the previous approaches) held to a thoroughly unrepressive attitude toward man's desires and feelings.
The therapy sought to reduce the alcoholics» guilt rather than to enhance it as in the previous approaches.
As a result we do not find the emphasis on fear and guilt which was present in the previous approaches.
I took a sabbatical and discovered that afterwards I saw no relevance in my previous approach to ministry and I haven't even gone back to it... sometimes I am tempted to think «wow that's a great idea, let's make it into a brilliant program that can reach thousands» and then I remember what that did to me last time... My ministry now has depth, quality rather than quantity.
Jeremy Vine: David Law, who's one of your colleagues said, Our previous approach of tax and spend could be regarded as having reached the end of its useful political life.
In terms of applications, the team's technology adapts and combines techniques from telecom and integrated optics in a way that makes it much less expensive than previous approaches.
Previous approaches were only marginally effective as they reached one set of hair cells in the inner ear, but another subset — equally critical for hearing — remained largely impenetrable.
Compared to previous approaches, the Combined Stress Index has the advantage of being able to calculate the effect of single weather anomalies on total crop output at global and regional levels.
Jeffrey Kidd, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of Human Genetics and Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics who worked on the new study, notes that only recently has it become possible to sequence Y chromosomes, because of technical limitations of previous approaches.
THE RECOGNITION that cancer is more like an organ than just a clump of cells with DNA mutations in cell nuclei may also explain why some of the previous approaches to chemotherapy have met with limited success.
Previous approaches to synthesize nacre - mimetics were not feasible on the large scale due to energy - intensive and laborious multistep procedures.
The direct conversion process produces minimal amounts of ethylene by - product, making the technology more cost - effective than previous approaches.
Previous approaches have aimed to locally reduce turbulence levels.
Previous approaches have used the entire E2 surface protein as a basis for the vaccine, partly in combination with other virus proteins.
This systematic approach allowed the researchers to come up with an estimate that is more realistic than previous approaches — and which also shows greater water scarcity than previous estimates.
The program is a departure from Allen's previous approach to science funding, which has largely focused on amassing large, descriptive data sets, such as the Mouse Brain Atlas at the Allen Institute.
Previous approaches to understanding bird motion were limited to capturing data on animals performing set tasks.
Previous approaches to atopic dermatitis management were solely reactive.
«In contrast to previous approaches, our new mechanism uses mechanics to revive existing antibiotics» ability to fight infection.»
In contrast to previous approaches, the waveguides are chemically stable.
In contrast to the previous approaches, the new model of the brain researchers also takes into account how prior knowledge affects the judgment of physical quantities.
Anthropologist Shara Bailey, an expert in ancient human teeth at New York University in New York City, says that «the barium method is novel and appears to be even more powerful» than previous approaches, adding that despite small sample sizes, «the authors present a strong argument for the utility of this method for extrapolating weaning history.»
This allows for larger energy savings than previous approaches, where software power optimization was often applied as a secondary step, after the initial application was written.»
«What makes our study unique is that previous approaches to studying infant - parent interaction essentially describe patterns,» said Messinger.
They were able to project scenarios with a greater consistency between the income assumptions and simulated surface pollutant levels as compared to previous approaches.
We generalize the previous approach of hep - lat / 9607026 by obtaining results which are independent of the renormalization scale.
Scientists created a compound that could protect animals against a wider range of HIV strains than any previous approaches.
And even though your muscles will not be as big as with the previous approach, they will always look strong and firm.
At this point, he had a better line of communication with the woman and found that he was meeting more women than with his previous approach.
A third possibility for tackling interoperability combines aspects of both previous approaches.
The learner must complete the learning of one location to get into the next location (maps to the topic - level outcomes in the previous approach).
In fact, there are varying and contradictory models; yet they embody common elements that distinguish them from previous approaches to managing people — specifically, personnel management.
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