Sentences with phrase «previous incidents»

Let's assume there had been previous incidents of on - the - job theft, how would respond?
The mother advised authorities she had been too afraid to report previous incidents.
As we've seen in previous incidents, passengers who try to make a jump for it while the plane is in the air usually wind up restrained during the flight and in handcuffs once the plane lands.
Early reports suggest the Rana Plaza disaster shared much in common with previous incidents.
Allyson Kapin, founder of Rad Campaign and Women Who Tech in Washington, D.C., says previous incidents, such as Uber advertising that was demeaning to women and a top executive's suggestion that the company conduct opposition research on journalists who are critical of Uber, were shocking and disappointing but hadn't kept her from hailing rides on the smartphone app.
Previous incidents include her academic paper on black liberation theology that was interpreted by some to endorse a kind of Marxism, a Facebook photo showing her at a party on Halsted Street at the same time as Chicago's Pride Parade, and her suggestions that the college change some of its language about sexuality.
Beukes also said there had been previous incidents at the Pistorius home due to complains of a «domestic nature.»
Roosevelt is said to have brushed off previous incidents such as nipping at members of cabinet, saying it was «the nature of the breed».
And unlike other colleges who have faced similar hazing claims, Wabash University owns the fraternity house where the injuries occurred, and it was aware of previous incidents of fraternity abuse.
As we've seen in previous incidents, passengers who try to make a jump for it while the plane is in the air usually wind up restrained mid-flight and in handcuffs once the plane lands.
Below is a list of some previous incidents in which critics or enemies of Moscow have been victims of poisoning or suspected poisoning, or have cried foul after suddenly falling ill:
And it was not clear whether it came from a recent Yahoo breach or a previous incident in 2012, when the internet service acknowledged that more than 450,000 user accounts were compromised.
«From the previous incidents and allegations, and now new sexual harassment allegations under XPO Logistics it seems that this is not an isolated issue,» the letter signed by the groups and unions says.
As in previous incidents, it is evident that the disciples were not observing the oral law (Mk 2:18 - 22 and parallels; vv 23 - 28 and parallels).
(Sadly, Moses could not enter the promised land, though, because he tapped a rock to make water come out of it instead of yelling at it because God is super strict in his commands and Moses probably got confused due to a previous incident of a similar nature.)
And back to the aching questions that accompanied those previous incidents: Why did this happen?
Asked whether Force India should have been harder on their drivers in the wake of the previous incidents — they had issues in Canada, Azerbaijan and Hungary — Szafnauer said: «If we would have done that initially, maybe this wouldn't have happened if we had rules of engagement.
As part of the project, the students reviewed Federal and voluntary safety standards, previous incidents and current crib designs.
I don't think a previous incident of «due process of law» negates any future «due processes of law»... after all, isn't that exactly what the appellate court system is?
Here, the results were consistent with the maze findings — the normal mice and the AS model mice with diminished expression of the Na / K - ATPase subunit exhibited freezing behavior upon the return to the staging area where they'd earlier received the foot shock, demonstrating the ability to recall a previous incident.
However, other AS model mice were significantly less likely to show this behavior, revealing a diminished ability to recall a previous incident.
Yet it's a full hour into «Strong Island» before we learn of a previous incident: the one where William heard his mother being insulted.
But when a fellow operator receives a distress call from teenager Casey Wilson (Abigail Breslin) after she's kidnapped and locked in the trunk of a car, Jordan jumps back into the hot seat, only to discover that the abductor is the same man from the previous incident.
As the incidents were coded, we compared them with the previous incidents that coded in the same category to find common patterns, as well as differences in the data (as in Glaser, 1965).
There have been previous incidents.
The goal, says Zuccarello, is to get the pet to break the habit of soiling by preventing the dog or cat from smelling the site of the previous incident, because that can encourage them to create another stain.
We had a previous incident where my son had come to visit and he had gotten something to eat and sat down on the couch.
One fight predicts another will occur and these generally take place in the same context or location and often within 24 - 48 hours of the previous incident.
At the time of his tragic death, Nicky had only been back on duty for a little over a month after recovering from a previous incident where he was severely wounded.
It might even be inspired by the previous incident!
According to Emvidasch on reddit, this is due to a previous incident that targeted children.
Although previous board meetings had become contentious, there had been no previous incidents of assault or threats of physical violence until this incident.
Rosenfeld can help you get sufficient testimony to prove your broken bones are from the accident, and not just from a previous incident.
In NHS 24 - v - Pillar UKEATS / 0005/16 / JW, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) decided that an employment tribunal was wrong to find a dismissal unfair because the investigation report included details of previous incidents which had not resulted in disciplinary proceedings.
O2 appealed on the grounds that there was no foreseeability of an impending injury to health; that Dickins had not gone far enough to put O2 on clear notice that, unless something was done, it was foreseeable that she would suffer psychiatric harm; and that all the previous incidents of which Dickins complained did not amount to sufficient notice.
Previous incidents will be held against you.
Advertisers are unable to pull ads from individual channels, though YouTube has already removed Kjellberg from the site's preferred advertiser network in response to the previous incident.
I can't reboot into Safe Mode with Networking and I can't (because of a previous incident that damaged it) use my system restore!
In a previous incident, the parent group of Cambridge Analytica, SCL Group, reportedly used a # 1 million ($ 1.4 million) bribe to help win an election for the St. Kitts and Nevis Labour Party, who was a client, in 2010.
The details surrounding Colon's case remain unknown, but given all these previous incidents, it can be assumed that the wireless earbuds exploded due to faulty or deteriorated batteries.
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