Sentences with phrase «previous play»

To register, follow the link below and fill out the information in the form, including previous played games, system information, play styles, etc..
You now know exactly which permanent perks each character gathered in previous play throughs.
Our internal play tests often have multiple duels being fought at once as rivalries from previous play tests get refreshed.
Manchester United youngster Timothy Fosu - Mensah has, while discussing his best position, explained how previous playing time in attacking midfield has benefited his understanding of effective defending.
The next minute I would watch him just stand there being stuck on a blocker when, if previous play was any indication, Landry could have easily escaped off of the block.
album (he debuted both Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey at previous PLAY!
Whether the camper is brand new to basketball or has previous playing experience, camp will help develop new skills as a player and as a teammate.
Updated FID and Home flag will not be reflected in some portion of the game such as previous play history (e.g. Battle Log, Replay Data, etc..)
It is a critic's job to be as objective as possible when reviewing any product, and although having many previous play through of these games (either partial or full) may help come out with a timely review, it becomes more difficult to be critical of these games.
Confusingly, however, we found previous Play Movie rentals that had expired, and clicking on them presented a failure, as we no longer had that content available.
Writing in his column for the Montreal Star, John Robertson said, «What the 20,129 stunned spectators saw manifesting itself was the private war of Tim Foli with his own limitations — a self - imposed act of retribution for the error he had made on the previous play, which allowed Watson to get on base in the first place.»
If LSU had been called for false starting instead of an illegal shift on the previous play, that would've been game over before all of this.
The Colts had the ball at the Jaguars» 41 after Jacksonville running back Denard Robinson fumbled on the previous play.
With 11:04 left in the third quarter, the Seahawks took over on offense at the Cardinals» 24 - yard line after having blocked Arizona's punt on the previous play.
The Ravens were already at the Steelers» 48 - yard line thanks to a penalty on Pittsburgh nose tackle Steve McLendon for roughing Flacco on the previous play (a weak call, but whatever).
Apologies to Jordan McLaughlin, the USC guard who nailed the tough layup on the previous play that would have been the game winner in almost any other circumstance.
The previous play when the refs credited Michigan with a first down when it really wasn't must have made Clowney mad.
Flacco hasn't been able to keep to anything close to his previous play since he signed the big contract.
To really highlight the story of Cincinnati's inept offense, Andy Dalton reached positive yards passing on the previous play with an 11 - yard Marvin Jones reception.
After doing a great job to avoid a safety on the previous play by breaking two tackles, Bo Wallace decided to throw the ball to no one in particular and it was intercepted by TCU.
Midway through the period he called time out and lit into Hazzard for not getting the ball underneath on the previous play.
Moncada is a first - round talent, one many experts believed could have gone first overall in the 2015 MLB draft were he eligible, and many outlets have already ranked him as a top - 10 / top - 15 prospect based on what they've seen from public showcases and his previous playing time while still a member of Cuba's teams.
The Boys in Green have enjoyed mixed fortunes in their previous play - offs, winning just three of...
They considered many other variables, such as play lag (what had occurred on the previous play) and current weather conditions (precipitation / wind speed), but found they did not have a significant effect on play - calling.
These include yards to go, the play down (first, second, third or fourth), time remaining, point differential, offensive points, defensive points, interaction between yards to go and down, cumulative number of fumbles, cumulative number of interceptions, field position, timeouts remaining for the offense, timeouts remaining for the defense and yards gained on the previous plays.
There's even a reconciliation between Max and Rosemary's friend from Harvard, a young man whom Max drunkenly castigated as an interloper at a dinner after the premiere of his previous play.
A bonus is earned if you save one of the characters from a previous play through from death.
The new version of the game shined a bright spotlight on my previous play through and helped me discover the exact reason I struggled: The waggle controls.
- when the glitch occurs, the game quits automatically / crashes - appears in League Battle - this sometimes happens when you try to look at your previous play records in that mode - developers are already working on a fix for the glitch - glitch will occur if you try to check your past records when the following conditions are met:
Jessy will continue your Soul Shard count (Max of 600 are carried over, but now goes up to 1270), and when Iris joins your party, she will give you any blue items you did nt unlock from Jessy from your previous play through.
So the game runs a lot smoother on this play through as to my previous play through and the detail level of the game is higher but you could easily get the PS3 or Xbox 360 version of the game and have just as much fun, but to me my play though on the PS4 made the experience a lot less frustrating because as we know, if you have played a AC game before, the game can be unforgiving at times.
Although do not get me wrong, I loved my previous play - through of the game, but this just made every single piece of the puzzle just glide perfectly into place.
Bastion also includes a «new game +» mode which allows you to play through the entire game again with all your upgrades from the previous play - through still intact.
In a previous Play of the Fortnight, we talked about potential upcoming events.
I say it was ahead of it's time it would have been perfect for the busy gamer lifestyle now and it had a new game + you could play it over with all your items and weapons from your previous play through if you wanted.
All their previous play sets always kept the same core game formula.
The game will offer «full compatibility for all Disney Infinity Marvel character» and will include the «widest selection of playable characters of any previous Play Set.»
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