Sentences with phrase «previous research used»

Because accurately measuring individual glaciers is a challenge, previous research used the available data to make a consensus estimate of the world's glacier loss.
Previous research used satellite - based measurements of vegetation greenness to investigate changes in the Amazon rainforest, notably the effects of severe short - term droughts in 2005 and 2010.
Until now, previous research used the dating method for rocks covering the upper sedimentary layer, in which such dating method with the relatively longer half - life period shows limitations in determining the time the basalt was formed about 10,000 years ago.
«Our previous research used field studies to understand the history of climate change in the Western US,» said study coauthor Kate Maher, assistant professor of geological and environmental sciences at Stanford University.»
Previous research used a liquid with fewer bacteria and spun the magnet at only 2 to 20 Hertz.
«Previous research used reversible hydrogen bonds to connect polymers to form a rubber but reversible bonds are intrinsically weaker than covalent bonds,» said Li - Heng Cai, a postdoctoral fellow at SEAS and corresponding author of the paper.
Previous research using the combination of EEGs and deep learning, was on sleep analysis, responds to music or early detection of brain diseases.
Dr Robinson said: «Our previous research using interviews shows it can be common for someone to undergo a period of emotional difficulty and instability which leads them to be more curious than usual about who they are and what their place in the world is.
In previous research using the 2003 principal survey data (see «When Principals Rate Teachers,» research, Spring 2006), we found that principals in the district are usually able to identify the most and least effective teachers in their schools, as measured by their students» academic progress.
Previous research using clinic - referred samples suggests that adult ADHD may be associated with increased risk for early death.23 Barkley et al23 found adults with a history of childhood ADHD were more than twice as likely as controls to have considered or attempted suicide by age 21 years.
Although some of the coefficients appear low, scales with few items often have lower reliability and previous research using similar relationship quality scales finds similar coefficients (Birditt, Fingerman, & Zarit, 2010; Fingerman et al., 2008).

Not exact matches

Finally, the buyer is very specific, often using the results of his previous research in the keywords:
If you're just starting out, hopefully you have done your research by asking other business people in the same field as you, using knowledge of the field you had at a previous job, and / or doing market research.
In fact, 62 percent of consumers report using their smartphones more than previous years to research holiday shopping, and 60 percent of consumers say that they plan to buy more often from smartphones or tablets.
Previous research that focused on adolescents» use of the drug in the wake of medical marijuana laws didn't find an increase in that age group, she said.
Erickson and co-author Michael Lazarus used figures from previous research and international agencies that mathematically describe how oil prices affect consumption.
There are several auto trading software tools that are based on specific algorithms, and these tools contribute greatly to the active research on previous market trends in order to conduct an analysis using programmable applications.
His previous GovLab research focuses on how government can improve the use of challenge prizes to solve big problems.
«Previous consumer research indicates that people are using the HSR system to choose healthier options within product categories, and this behaviour change is lasting,» said the Committee.
We have used rigorous quasi-experimental methods to overcome potential confounding that is not addressed in the majority of previous research.
No previous research appears to have analysed broadcast advertisements against the ACMA's scheduling data, instead using times when children are likely to be viewing as a proxy for scheduling information.
Our past research had also indicated that teams were undervalued when they were in the midst of a road trip, so we used the «Previous Game Home / Visitor» filter in Bet Labs and selected visitor.
Extensive research has not yet been done to determine if it is safe to give a baby milk that was left over from a previous feeding or milk that was previously warmed, but not used.
Previous research (used in trials like that of British au pair Louise Woodward) indicated that babies could be killed only by violent and sustained shaking.
As with my previous posts on this subject, please remember that I am sharing what worked for me and for others I know, and am advising you to do your own research and decide for yourself what you will use.
Shelter research found that two million households used credit cards to pay their housing costs in 2010, an increase of 50 % from the previous year.
Previous research has indicated that the most effective method of combating drinking and driving is to use the general deterrence model.
Learning new fields is a skill I developed in graduate school that I continue to use now as I manage research grants in scientific areas that are outside my previous expertise.
The assumption, based on previous research, was that an animal primarily using the left hemisphere to process a sound will turn its head to the right, and vice versa.
The study is in line with previous research published by senior author Gratch, whose main interest lies both in how people express these tells — an unconscious action that betrays deception — and using this data to create artificial intelligence to discern and even express these same emotional cues as a person.
In a previous study Hu's research team used neuron - disrupting molecules to prove the relationship between dmPFC activity and a mouse's decision to surrender to or push back against its cage mate in the tube task.
Previous research has suggested a connection between coal - burning and the Sahel drought, but this was the first study that used decades of historical observations to find that this drought was part of a global shift in tropical rainfall, and then used multiple climate models to determine why.
Previous research from the Capasso lab used nanostructures sensitive to polarization to produce two different images encoded in the metasurface.
Coss, who taught drawing classes early in his academic career and whose previous research focused on art and human evolution, used photos and film to study the strokes of charcoal drawings and engravings of animals made by human artists 28,000 to 32,000 years ago in the Chauvet - Pont - d'Arc Cave in southern France.
Using data from Florida, researchers confirmed previous research that students attending charter high schools are more likely to graduate from high school and enroll in college.
Using these nasal tract cells allowed the researchers to determine that the weakened flu virus behaved differently than previous research had suggested.
Previous research has tested how well radiation - exposed rats do with basic learning tasks and mazes, but this new Johns Hopkins study focused on tests that closely mimic the self - tests of fitness for duty currently used by astronauts on the International Space Station prior to mission - critical events such as space walks.
Previous research at York showed that regulating cannabis use could result in more effective strategies aimed at helping drug users to access the right support and guidance.
This is an important observation, because previous research — including Ross's own work — had used skull thickness as a proxy for density.
Funders like to see value for money, so if you are using as - yet - unexploited results from previous research projects or have funding from other sources that you can draw upon, for example industry, it is important to signal this in your application.
They used previous research to determine how much lead levels would reduce IQ points in the population, and then how much their earnings would drop.
Previous research has suggested that anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin used in conjunction with antipsychotic treatments may be more effective than just the antipsychotics themselves.
The online tool provide additional information geared toward students, including a glossary defining potentially unfamiliar words or words used in new contexts, previous research in the field, further information on the scientists» methods and techniques, a breakdown of the papers» results and conclusions, links to news about the research findings and information about policies influenced by this research.
But the new research comes with a caveat: Even though the percentage of adults smoking pot has not doubled, an overall higher percentage of people reported using the drug in 2013 than had been reported in the previous study.
The researchers subsequently created computerised simulations designed to behave in a completely rational way when faced with the same psychological tests used in previous research (e.g. learning from good vs bad news about future events).
Their previous research, which used an inducible model of periodontal disease, found that Cp40 could reduce signs of the disease.
«Interestingly, our research showed the use of standing desks improved neurocognitive function, which is consistent with results from previous studies on school - based exercise programs,» Mehta said.
To better understand the presence and importance of these proteins in the urine of pregnant women with preeclampsia, the team used a dye called Congo Red, which was known to bind proteins such as amyloid based on previous research done with other protein misfolding conditions.
Previous research has found that teens who use e-cigarettes are more likely to smoke traditional cigarettes (SN: 9/19/15, p. 14).
However, previous research has found that these highly - sensitive maritime DGPS receivers, are easy to disrupt, using # 50 jammer devices, which are widely available on the market.
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