Sentences with phrase «previous studies showing»

Nevertheless, these findings support previous studies showing that cognitively stimulating activities such as museum visits, the presence of books and magazines, 4 and parents» own reading habits5, 20,21 to be important factors in the promotion of cognitive development.
These findings are generally in line with previous studies showing that stressful prenatal life events predict infectious disease in infants, as well as in older children [17 — 19].
This is consistent with previous studies showing that more deviant peer affiliations reinforce an individual's own antisocial behaviours [18, 30, 48].
Based on previous studies showing only low to moderate correlations between the YPI and the PCL: YV, it is obvious that these two instruments do not measure exactly the same concept.
The findings of the current study are in line with previous studies showing that more anxious children have greater difficulties in regulating their emotions (e.g., Carthy et al., 2010), and experience attachment relationships with their parents as less secure (e.g., Colonnesi et al., 2011).
This is broadly consistent with previous studies showing impairments in the processing of distress cues in children and adolescents with CU traits (Dadds et al. 2006; Short et al. 2016), although it should be noted that there were no significant correlations between CU traits and any of the remaining 17 outcome measures.
The present findings are consistent with previous studies showing that autonomous helping is positively associated with basic psychological need satisfaction.
One limitation of the present study is the unfavourable internal consistency of the 20 - item MHKQ scale (Cronbach's α = 0.61), which is in keeping with previous studies showing weak to acceptable internal consistency.10, 11, 29 However, this may be due to the fact that for knowledge scales measuring various factors of a construct, knowing the correct answer of one item does not necessarily lead to the right recognition of another item, thus a very high internal consistency may not be expected.
Our results are aligned with previous studies showing that DRD4 and TH polymorphisms are associated with activity - impulsivity related traits in dogs.
This is supported by previous studies showing that the glycemic index of a particular diet has no effects on weight loss when calories are controlled.
This notion is supported by many previous studies showing that certain commonly consumed foodstuffs can contain a high bacterial load before cooking, such as fresh beef mince which has often been shown to contain approximately 105 — 107 colony forming units / g» It appears as though that the food itself contains the endotoxins, and any food exposed to bacteria, such as with fermentation, will have endotoxins.
This is also in agreement with previous studies showing that leptin production is higher in subcutaneous adipocytes compared with omental adipocytes (25, 26).
These findings are consistent with previous studies showing that high - fructose diets can have adverse effects on the blood lipid profile (11, 12).
According to new research in the BMJ Quality & Safety journal, previous studies showing an increased risk of mortality following admission to hospital at weekends have failed to take account of the higher severity of patients» conditions.
And based on previous studies showing that fewer than 20 norovirus particles are enough to make someone sick, the viral knife contamination could cause illness.
This new finding builds on previous studies showing that earthquake activity increases when wastewater injections increase.
The Cedars - Sinai researchers first tried to repeat previous studies showing that astrocytes from laboratory animals with an ALS mutation failed to support normal motor neurons.
The results may explain previous studies showing that people and animals learn best when given breaks between tasks — and provide a persuasive new justification for office daydreaming.
The results add to previous studies showing a high prevalence of PTSD and other mental health problems after this unique disaster.
The authors said this confirmed previous studies showing that wobbler sprinklers improve irrigation capture in certain instances but the effect is not great (less than 10 % increase) or consistent.
The findings, published in the Sept. 7 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience, built on previous studies showing that frequent alcohol use can activate specific groups of neurons.
The findings also agree with previous studies showing that a good publication record increases scientists» likelihood of moving, likely due to their attractiveness to other institutions.
Devarenne pointed to previous studies showing that hydrocarbons from B. braunii have long been associated with petroleum deposits, indicating that over geologic time the alga has coincided with and contributed to the formation of petroleum deposits.
While data on outdoor tanning were unavailable, the authors cited previous studies showing that indoor tanners are also more likely to engage in outdoor tanning.
With previous studies showing that higher temperatures, caused by global warming, have led to more unstable mountain rocks — the scientists, who took part in the new study, believe that using the two monitoring techniques together could prove vital for thousands of skiers and mountain climbers who undertake trips every year.
This finding is consistent with previous studies showing that a stronger susceptibility to disgust is linked with disapproval of gay people.
De Waal says that previous studies showing chimps to be selfish may have been poorly designed.
These results fit with several previous studies showing that preschoolers more easily apply knowledge learned from realistic stories to the real world, as opposed to information encountered in fantasy stories.
While the growth difference was small, the finding echoes previous studies showing that children who take inhaled corticosteroids for asthma may experience a small negative impact on their growth rate.
Lewis Smith, a professor of medicine at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., says this research confirms many previous studies showing the benefits of a healthy diet on respiratory function.
The team already suspected there might be a link on the basis of previous studies showing that certain antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, lycophenes or flavonoids, were associated with a reduction in type 2 diabetes risk.
«Our findings are consistent with previous studies showing an association between the legalization of medical marijuana and lower deaths from overdoses of opioids,» said Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, co-author of the study and co-director of the RAND Drug Policy Research Center.
Considering induction of labor and intrapartum interventions, our results are in line with previous studies showing that midwife - led care for low - risk women reduces the risk of some interventions when compared to obstetrician - or physician - led care [1,4,8,9].
Our findings are in accordance with some observations from previous studies showing a positive association between long working hours and depression [12] but contrast with other reports of null findings [12]--[14].
Previous studies show that vegging out can actually be highly restorative for those who are mentally exhausted, but the research team wondered, are the types of people who are most in need of a night on the couch the least likely to allow themselves a healthy dose of sloth?
A previous study showed that in the Campania region, the prevalence of full breastfeeding at 6 months was 7 %.12 Assuming a 20 % loss to follow - up, we calculated that we would require ∼ 240 mother and father pairs to detect a statistically significant increase of 15 % (1 − α = 95 %, 1 − β = 80 %) in the rate of full breastfeeding at 6 months.13 To avoid communication between study groups, which would be likely if people who were admitted to the same hospital unit were exposed to different messages at the same time, we did not randomize the participants as it usually is done, 14 but we allocated the 2 study groups into 2 consecutive blocks of time, after having randomly paired the 2 study groups with the 2 blocks of time.
A previous study showing that a compulsory living wage would result in 160,000 job losses overestimated the threat of job losses and failed to take into account the economic stimulus that higher pay would give the economy, according to Reed.
Previous studies showed that, in depressed patients, lipid rafts sequester a protein involved in cell signaling, called GαS, keeping it from doing its job.
Previous studies showed that we can modify the molecular structure to make them responsive.
Previous studies show that it takes about 68 days for the pulsar to orbit its white dwarf companion, meaning they share an uncommonly wide orbit.
Previous studies showed that marble - sized stones bounce off each other like billiard balls.
Previous studies showed that the more sleep spindles a human brain exhibits overnight, the more numbers one would remember the next day.
In a new study published in EPJ E, Mu - Jie Huang and Raymond Kapral from the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada show that small synthetic motors can attach to polymeric filaments and — unlike what previous studies showed — move along without changing either their shape or the direction in which they set out to move.
The research grew out of his group's previous study showing that by adding certain oils to mixed raw vegetables, the consumer experienced enhanced absorption of carotenoids.
Previous studies showed that cells which express the same type of cadherin interact with each other, but cells with different types of cadherins remain separate.
For the animal study, the researchers separated 52 mice with colon cancer tumors into three groups, including a control group and groups that were fed either the grape compounds or sulindac, an anti-inflammatory drug, which was chosen because a previous study showed it significantly reduced the number of tumors in humans.
University of Illinois speech and hearing science professor Fatima Husain, who led the study, said previous studies showed that tinnitus is associated with increased stress, anxiety, irritability and depression, all of which are affiliated with the brain's emotional processing systems.
Previous studies show strong relationships between adult health conditions — anxiety, panic and psychiatric disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, substance misuse and others — and adversities experienced in childhood, such as abuse, witnessing violence, parental incarceration and others.
Previous studies show that similar comets — known as Jupiter Family comets — historically stay in the inner parts of our solar system for 12,000 years, therefore recognizing comet 67P / Churyumov - Gerasimenko as a member of the Jupiter Family makes sense.
«Previous studies show that when women try to lower the pitch of their voice they are perceived as less attractive,» Klofstad said.
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