Sentences with phrase «previous style»

Unlike previous styles, this one is for those who are looking for a uniform style with no differences in length of the dog's coat.
As seen on previous styling packages, the company put a special attention to the detail while improving the overall design with a more aggressive look that stays in line with the original values.
Given Palace's previous style of play under the likes of Sam Allardyce it seemed like a huge change to implement.
Here are some great examples of previous style interviewees Lissy (also showing her leather pants), Ann, Beverly (showing a version with a brown leather jacket as well) and Lisa rocking the leather look.
What is most impressive about the games visuals is not that they are graphically superior but that they keep with the games previous style and just freshens it up with a really great looking game.
Rather than merely pastiching previous styles, he situates them in an age - old historic context, with deliquescence quasi-parodistically emphasized through grungy tactility and blatantly obsolete motifs such as chariots.
These paintings are a break from Tuymans previous style.
Is it still slick, or did they try to move back closer to the previous style?
I like it so much better than the previous style.
He reverted to his previous style of long and hard to follow questions.
Unlike the previous style, the pose could last for a whopping 3 to 5 minutes.
I previous styled this ruffled poncho with a sweater dress and OTK boots, and its proved to be one of the most versatile pieces in my wardrobe this winter.
If you can remember, this isn't my first time of wearing a dress as a top, if you can't remember, I'll refresh your memory, check out the previous styles in this blog post and this blog post, I've also worn a dress as a bottom instead in this blog post.
I started looking at my previous style posts and remembered how I loved to mix and match bold colors.
-LSB-...] of you met from our previous Style The Bump Date Night collaboration (but in case you missed it click here to see her bio) and Margarita from -LSB-...]
The pencil comes out too fast and doesn't have a tight swivel, and I found the product felt much thicker and stickier than the previous style.
Please note that there is no theme for these images (the week's featured theme on this site will be inspired by a previous style star or a streetstyle image we have taken)!
I like that this coat is a little more tailored than my previous style.
They've got more stretch with a new intertwined 3D elasticized knit, and are even lighter in weight than their previous styles.
I use to just provide links to my previous stylings, but I think this works best for everyone.
I'm glad you liked the pictures of the previous stylings.
See my previous styled Cecelia shoes (still available) here and here.
Just to catch everyone up, I wrote in my previous Style Board post that I temporarily work three days during the week and two on the weekends.
Today I decided to take a look back at some previous styles and rounded up my top 10 favorite outfits that are perfect for winter...
The scan reveals four new playable characters and three of them come straight from the previous JoJo game All Star Battle which includes their previous Styles (Battle types).
My initial impressions from the game's screenshots gave off more than a little of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and Nye says that the game is «definitely inspired by non-photorealistic games in general» — although as he points out, the game actually has a lot more in common with the studio's previous stylings.
Whilst Tremlett's use of colors and shapes are in keeping with his previous style, they are renewed and exist in a dimension of great freedom, marking an important moment of his expression.
These works for which monochrome panels now acted as background colour fields, provided a dramatic departure from his previous style, but they continued to stress the importance of touch, surface, colour and tone.
The Gates of the Festival is equally innovative but in a completely different way — the only continuation of the duo's previous style being the projection of a crane - like bird running and flapping along one of the gallery walls.
What / Why: «Jules Olitski's Late Paintings reinvestigate the color, impasto, and handling found in his earlier paintings — cultivating his previous styles and influences, and delivering his final messages to the world.
The decision not to follow the seventh edition was easy for us: we had adopted the previous style (abbreviations with periods) and had been using it for the thousands and thousands of case citations in our publications.
So, since we discussed the use of paper for decorative purposes a previous Style Tips post, let's continue this topic by diving in to some photos that show where wallpaper can be -LSB-...]
So, since we discussed the use of paper for decorative purposes a previous Style Tips post, let's continue this topic by diving in to some photos that show where wallpaper can be quite effective for defining individual style.

Phrases with «previous style»

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