Sentences with phrase «previously learned behaviors»

Problems performing previously learned behaviors such as how to negotiate stairs or finding and using doors.
Other symptoms of cognitive dysfunction may include disorientation, engaging less frequently in social interaction and forgetting previously learned behaviors.
Training classes at PMC address: Puppy, Adult, Basic Manners, Canine Good Citizen, Problem Behaviors, Refinement of Previously Learned Behaviors, Therapy Pet Preparation Skills
Affected dogs exhibit bizarre behavior patterns, may be aggressive or unusually depressed, and appear to forget previously learned behaviors.
Sometimes they are appropriate and the child can retain a previously learned behavior; a child who learned to speak English at home does not have to learn it again in the day - care center.

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The new paper «Extinction Reverses Olfactory Fear Conditioned Increases in Neuron Number and Glomerular Size» highlights the results of a first of its kind study in which researchers reveal that the olfactory system in the brain is biologically and structurally more sensitive to trauma cues than previously thought, and that it's possible for fear behaviors associated with emotional learning to be reversed through exposure - based talk therapy.
During my stay, I learned about a research area of social behavior that I was previously unfamiliar with.
To develop Say Allo, Lewis partnered with Steve Shaw, who helped built Amazon's learning algorithm, Kris Collins, who previously developed apps for Audio and The North Face, and Brian Shaw, a co-developer of cognitive behavior therapy.
Previously, he was PI on federally funded grants on (a) aggressive behavior in classrooms, (b) cooperative learning strategies for students with EBD, and (c) educational programming for adolescents with EBD.
As we all know, preventing behavior sooner than later, heads off potential incidents and worsening behavior, while making un-training previously - learned behavior easier on the pet owner.
Most owners report that previously learned commands are forgotten, their dogs become very impulsive and easily distracted, and their behavior becomes a bit erratic.»
The behaviors she learned through basic obedience training began replacing the inappropriate behaviors she'd previously been reacting with.
If you see your dog performing any of the behaviors above, or if you see him start to mount someone or something, toss a toy, play a game, give your dog a chewie, or ask him to perform some previously learned basic obedience skills or tricks that he enjoys (sit, down, shake, etc.).
• Introduce the concept of «practice worksheets» which resulted in students performing 50 % better in exams than they did previously • Implement technology - based learning, resulting in more students taking interest in standard concepts taught in class • Supervise student arrivals and departures and monitor students in hallways • Monitor students during break and activities time to ensure their wellbeing • Assist lead teachers in developing lesson plans and imparting them in an appropriate fashion • Handle classroom behavior by overseeing students on a constant basis • Hand out classwork and homework assignments and ensure that each student returns his or her work on time • Assist students in developing understanding of difficult concepts taught in class
This not only creates a hardship for families who were dependent upon afterschool previously but also brings to a halt any enrichment learning gains upon entering 6th grade when they need it more than ever as risky behaviors increase in middle school.
I believe people try their best to manage problems, and do so the best they know how — yet their solutions for current situations can be limited by previously learned patterns of behavior.
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