Sentences with phrase «previously of amplitude»

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Considering the actual spot covering fraction range that typical stellar variability amplitude really translates to, a much broader range of stellar contamination is possible than previously considered.
If this state of knowledge were to be revised in such a way as to indicate that the amplitude of the climate variations were larger than previously thought, that could very well call for for an upward revision of climate sensitivity
As shown previously in VTA - containing brain slices exposed to cocaine (Argilli et al., 2008), DA neurons showed significantly elevated potentiation of mEPSC amplitudes in PLE − / GFP + DA neurons in the presence of CM - MK801, which further demonstrates the lack of activity for CM - MK801 in PLE − neurons.
If this state of knowledge were to be revised in such a way as to indicate that the amplitude of the climate variations were larger than previously thought, that could very well call for for an upward revision of climate sensitivity
Of the spectral predictions, the one published (Clilverd et al., 2006) used a low - frequency modulation model that has some clear inadequacies, like including the Gleissberg 88 - year cycle that is no longer observable, assigning an extremely low amplitude to the 208 - year de Vries cycle, and not including the modulation by the ~ 2400 - year Bray cycle that we have discussed previously.
Superimposed on the secular trend is a natural multidecadal oscillation of an average period of 70 y with significant amplitude of 0.3 — 0.4 °C peak to peak, which can explain many historical episodes of warming and cooling and accounts for 40 % of the observed warming since the mid-20th century and for 50 % of the previously attributed anthropogenic warming trend (55).
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