Sentences with phrase «prey upon the consumer»

Do we want to prey upon the consumer's ignorance for our own short - term gain (win - lose), or do we want to put the consumer's interests ahead of our own, thereby building long - term, win - win?
If the professional chooses to prey upon the consumer's ignorance, the professional can cut all sorts of corners and often can get away with it.

Not exact matches

The CFPB currently has authority to root our devious and deceptive practices by fly - by - night operations (and others) preying upon average consumers.
One of the big issues is that, so for more sophisticated consumers who tend to be savers and have money yes they're learning what a fiduciary is but there's a whole segment of the population that is less sophisticated and unfortunately they're the ones that are most at risk and essential preyed upon by less ethical folks.
Consumers don't want to be treated as a faceless dollar bill, and they don't want to feel preyed upon by corporate interests.
The idea of the preyed - upon consumer controlled by the capitalist monolith is highlighted in Yoshua Okon's Freedom Fries.
The young men and women who serve in the Army are sometimes preyed upon by unscrupulous people who take advantage of their youth and inexperience, and entice them into making sometimes irresponsible financial decisions, such as purchasing vehicles and consumer appliances on credit terms they can not afford.
In real estate, consumers are vulnerable to the unscrupulous salesperson who chooses to prey upon their ignorance.
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