Sentences with phrase «price of gas»

Due to the high price of gas, he needed a more economical vehicle to drive to and from work each day.
The average price of gas heaters typically ranges from approximately $ 200 to $ 800.
Given the current price of gas, this is effectively 10 % cash back on gas for that first year, and 2 % cash back the following year.
It has also put plans for increasing domestic prices of gas on hold, which will reduce the profitability of domestic sales.
We may have been talking conservation and alternative energy for decades, but it is only the high price of gas that has really brought these issues to the fore.
Given the current price of gas, that comes out to a rewards rate of 4.2 %.
If this external or social cost is added to the roughly $ 3 per gallon average price of gas in the United States in early 2007, gas would cost $ 15 a gallon.
With the current price of gas at $ 3.75 per gallon according to AAA, if most of your driving is city or urban, the hybrid is a pretty good choice.
That is why Sen. McCain's proposal this week to suspend federal gas taxes — thereby sending the retail price of gas down — at the moment that the world market is sending precisely the opposite price signal.
Meanwhile, Seoul, the capital of South Korea is taking measures against global warming and responding to the high prices of gas by constructing more bicycle - only lanes throughout the city.
From a peak of $ 10.54 per million btu (mbtu) in July 2008, the spot price of gas at the well - head had fallen to less than $ 2 / mbtu by April 2012.
«Spot wholesale prices of gas in the Adelaide market have risen from around $ 3.50 to $ 7.50 per gigajoule in the last 18 months as a direct result of government policy to link our formerly landlocked east coast gas pipeline to the seaborne gas market.»
For all those individuals that are currently within the market for a recent vehicle, the higher price of gas which has recently been seen has pushed them all to consider other, more fuel - efficient automobiles.
He said the World Bank was getting a lot of this high price of gas money.
WA - based LNG Ltd has fallen back to earth as an oversupply of liquefied gas worldwide is hitting the share prices of gas - exposed stocks.
Let me see... Earthquake in NZ killing hundreds, anarchy in Northern Africa and Middle East, price of gas hits all - time high... let me file this one under «Who gives a ship!»
This and the rising of the gasoline prices of the gas might be the reason why Volkswagen is considering bringing smaller models than the Golf in the US market.
If America doesn't start looking at the big picture — which goes far beyond the week to week price of gas — none of our debates about rescuing the financial system (which would have served us much better by investing in a Green energy America instead of shakey subprime SIVs), health coverage for all etc. will amount to much.
While no doubt there are many factors involved in the escalating price of gas, Exxon's public relations ploy of deflecting any attention away from Big Oil's role seems to be working.
Currently, the average price of gas in the Peace Garden State is well below its highest recorded average in 2013 of $ 4.24 per gallon.
The national average price of gas as of writing this article is around $ 2.21.
What's missing is the economic incentive and the current price of gas just gave us that.»
«This drop in the wholesale price of gas has bought with it welcome relief to Australian businesses who have been struggling with a lack of supply and high prices,» the minister said.
The average spot price of gas has been $ 3.77 since shale gas Continue Reading
Personally it seems that the new higher price of gas is the result of a pre-planned «conspiracy» to rake of an enormous amount of money from the masses regardless of whether the nation and its people suffer.
With myriad factors affecting those prices on both sides of the border — from the value of the dollar to the price of gas — proving ill intent on the part of investigated companies will be all but impossible.
In June 2008, as the price of gas went above $ 4, Buffett said «exploding» inflation was the biggest risk to the economy.
During the SARS crises, the price of gas masks rocketed.
You can have something to eat, you can get a haircut, and with the price of gas, the idea you can get it all — Oh hi, how are you!»
«I know that part of the challenge that folks across the Lower Mainland and B.C. are facing right now is related to the fact that we are connected so closely to the U.S. market and to what happens in the United States,» Trudeau said as the price of gas exceeded $ 1.60 a litre in the Vancouver area.
JOSH MORE: I would like to see a de-emphasis in reducing the price of gas.
He likely remembers the price paid for his first car, the rent on his first apartment, and the price of gas, a loaf of bread, a movie ticket, and a postage stamp.
They think about all sorts of things a lot that you barely think about at all, like the price of gas or lettuce or movie tickets.
Many are surprised that such a system exists in Canada — imagine if the government allowed gas stations, for instance, to collude with each other and create artificial shortages to drive up the price of gas.
• Money: What happened with the price of gas?
From military hostility, to job security and the prices of gas and food, Canadians polled at a lower anxiety level than Americans in nearly all of the topics poll participants were asked about.
The rise in the price of gas cards he provides employees, the increased cost of the 50 to 100 deliveries the company makes along the Gulf Coast each week, and climbing freight expenses have all made their mark on his company.
Apart from the price of gas and an occasional bill from the mechanic, insurance premiums are often the biggest expense drivers have to factor into their budgets.
Again Taylor offered a cautious outlook, though it was largely ignored in stories about the «green» budget with its centre piece carbon tax that will raise the price of gas by a couple cents a litre this year.
Although the average price of gas is above the $ 2 mark, Missouri has seen gas prices around $ 1 less per gallon as recently as 2016.
In 2018, the average price of gas is much higher, but Oklahoma still ranks as one of the states with the lowest gas prices in the nation.
Although gas prices have dropped in northern New England after Hurricane Harvey's appearance in the third quarter of 2017, the average price of gas is still much more than it was pre-hurricane.
The price of gas has fallen for 24 consecutive days.
In order to fuel your token you will have to pay gas, and those costs will depend on how many tokens you are selling and the current price of gas; this fee goes to the nodes that are maintaining the network.
Learn what major authorities on gas prices are predicting for 2016, and about the different factors that can impact the price of gas.
More than 70 percent of the price of gas depends on oil prices.
It is estimated that he may have saved a few dollars, but in many locations across Alberta the price of gas actually dropped after the weekend (gas at the local station in my neighbourhood in northeast Edmonton is six cents cheaper per litre today than it was on Dec. 31).

Phrases with «price of gas»

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