Sentences with phrase «price per gallon advertised»

Not exact matches

Note: - Pricing data aggregated from GrapeConnect and other major online classifieds - Advertised prices not final - transacted prices - Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as prices not final - transacted prices - Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as prices - Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the...
Note: - Pricing data aggregated from GrapeConnect and other major online classifieds - Advertised prices not final - transacted prices - Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weightprices not final - transacted prices - Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weightprices - Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weightPrices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weighting...
Note: - Advertised prices not final - transacted prices - Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weighting mechanism - Blended - vintage bulk wine listings were ignored - Listings that contained pricing data but lacked a listed quantity were assigned 100 gprices not final - transacted prices - Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weighting mechanism - Blended - vintage bulk wine listings were ignored - Listings that contained pricing data but lacked a listed quantity were assigned 100 gprices - Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weighting mechanism - Blended - vintage bulk wine listings were ignored - Listings that contained pricing data but lacked a listed quantity were assigned 100 gPrices are a weighted average Price - per - Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weighting mechanism - Blended - vintage bulk wine listings were ignored - Listings that contained pricing data but lacked a listed quantity were assigned 100 gallons
Note: - Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Ton / Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weighting mechanism - Listings that contained pricing data but lacked a listed quantity were assigned 10 ton / 100 gallon assumption - Advertised prices not final - transacted Prices are a weighted average Price - per - Ton / Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weighting mechanism - Listings that contained pricing data but lacked a listed quantity were assigned 10 ton / 100 gallon assumption - Advertised prices not final - transacted Gallon figure; Listing Quantity was used as the weighting mechanism - Listings that contained pricing data but lacked a listed quantity were assigned 10 ton / 100 gallon assumption - Advertised prices not final - transacted gallon assumption - Advertised prices not final - transacted prices not final - transacted pricesprices
Other than the price, there is no downside to the Malibu Hybrid — it works as advertised, and 31.6 miles per gallon in a comfortable five - passenger sedan is impressive.
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