Sentences with phrase «price schemes»

It seems like incorporating black carbon into carbon pricing schemes could be problematic.
Also road congestion pricing schemes have been implemented in a limited number of urban areas as a transportation demand management tool to try to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.
The company is also planning to launch a new pricing scheme in the near term.
The new pricing scheme also includes consoles that are bundled with games.
Find out if you qualify for this special pricing scheme by calling your insurance provider today.
We also recognise that some road user pricing schemes could have civil liberties implications.
In other words, it enables customers to take advantage of variable pricing schemes.
They were part of a strategic review and tough cost reduction programme that included a new fresh milk pricing scheme linking local milk prices to the value generated, it added.
Not a bad system, assuming the indies can figure out a good pricing scheme.
Pricing — cryptocurrency exchanges can have their own pricing schemes.
In view of the buzz, a number of other companies decided to experiment with their own pay - whatever - you - want pricing schemes.
Or take pricing schemes: Many businesses offer a high - priced «premium» service simply to make a less expensive level of service seem like more of a bargain.
The right pricing scheme might also be used to help manage congestion.
I'm against flat pricing schemes, because books vary a lot in both how much they cost to produce and in how well they sell.
To stay relevant in the business, they are competing with online vendors domestically and locally whose price scheme can become more advantageous due to lower operational costs.
When I say pricing scheme, I'm not talking about how much the actual stocks / bonds cost when you buy them.
These can range from the incredible simple model of a flat fee per trade to other, more complicated pricing schemes.
In the second phase, a continuous pricing scheme would limit the total of all fares paid over a 12 month period to the cost of an annual travel card.
Looks ok but I'm never buying an app with stupid pricing schemes again.
It calls for expanding peak and seasonal electricity pricing, as well as tiered pricing schemes and load penalties on industry.
The majority of these options, including renewables subsidies, performance standards, and emissions pricing schemes, apply directly to the power sector.
The carbon pricing scheme announced today is part of a wider suite of policies to support R&D and investment in renewable energy, boost energy efficiency and improve carbon uptake on the land.
Speaking of surge pricing, avoiding this more expensive pricing scheme is the next money - saving hack you need to know.
It will be spending «tens of thousands» of dollars over the next week on print and digital advertising, pushing for a more comprehensive congestion pricing scheme.
Each major publisher has a different pricing scheme in order to make selling e-books to libraries profitable.
«If you combine diesel with energy storage, renewables, energy efficiency and a smart grid with different pricing schemes, it's the lowest - cost system,» he said.
Nearly half support road pricing schemes, with 18 % neutral and a third opposed.
It will focus on «the adverse impact of the carbon pricing scheme on the competitiveness of Australia's export and import - competing industries».
«Provided it is well targeted, a national road pricing scheme of this type could reduce congestion by some 50 per cent below what it otherwise would be in 2025 and reduce the economic case for additional strategic road infrastructure by some 80 per cent,» it says.
But a review of studies regarding carbon pricing schemes from around the world by economist Tom Tietenberg concludes that «they typically find that the cost savings from shifting to [taxes or cap - and - trade] are considerable, but less than would have been achieved if the final outcome had been fully cost effective.»
That's because Delta's variable award pricing scheme differentiates prices based on destination, demand and other factors.
The iPhone 6 will follow the same pricing scheme as previous iPhones, with the 16 GB model starting at $ 199 with a two - year contract.
It's hard to imagine any congestion - pricing scheme making it through Albany without support from some or all of these people.
There is an abundance of plastic inside the car that is commensurate to the low pricing scheme of the Sedona.
Disagreement over how much and how fast to cut emissions was the central sticking point in those negotiations (and, by the way, the reason why the carbon pricing scheme starts with a fixed price period, or «carbon tax» — to allow time for further investigation and debate around targets before starting the trading scheme).
Hopefully they don't take after the Lumines Live pricing scheme as well.
«Recent drought in California gave rise to changes in pricing schemes used to regulate water use in irrigated agriculture and residential sectors.
Promotional services come with different price schemes depending on your medium (e.g. plain artwork, pop up, thumbnail, slideshow, etc.) Again, send them your query and discuss in greater details what your plans are to make sure that both parties will reach a mutual understanding.
The advantage of a free market is that it fosters competition, so Uber could only stay popular if it matched Lyft's prices, toned down its insane surge pricing schemes and managed to keep enough drivers on the road for the service to be reliable.
Water pricing in Israel reflects the true scarcity value of water, with different pricing schemes based on water sources (treated wastewater, desalinated water, groundwater, storm water, surface water) and uses.
But the use of complex pricing schemes to determine prices on each side of the market to maintain an appropriate volume of transactions in the overall market creates a unique opportunity for competitors to behave opportunistically.
Any serious carbon pricing scheme needs a border carbon adjustment mechanism in order to maintain a level playin field and to prevent carbon leakage.
Given lessons learned form around the world, the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade recommends the following principles to ensure a successful mobility pricing scheme for the region:
Singapore has had a congestion pricing scheme since 1975.
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