Sentences with phrase «price shoppers»

For example, price shoppers make choices based on price alone.
Price shoppers always will leave for the cheaper price, but customers that truly value your unique offering or service are more likely to stick around.
The gap is too wide, and it's just too hard to convert price shoppers.
One of the concerns many online price shoppers have is the security of online transactions.
Many loyalty programs fail because companies try to have it both ways — appealing to mass - market price shoppers as well as to big spenders.
Price shoppers who walk into stores or call companies over the phone for quotes don't have to give out this kind of information, so there is no reason for them to want to do this online.
Price shoppers quickly find that the average premium for Brooklyn renters insurance is very low.
I'm mostly a full - price shopper but I still love me a bargain.
When it comes to hotels, are you a price shopper or a points shopper?
The insurance products they offer are largely similar and where there are differences they are often not obvious to the average consumer — particularly to price shoppers.
Research has proven this beyond the shadow of a doubt and it is likely because people tend to refer other who are highly qualified and not just tire kickers or price shoppers.
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