Sentences with phrase «prices for ebooks»

Given the number of hoops I had to jump through in order to get a free copy of Windows 8 for Dummies, and the massively inflated prices I saw listed on books ($ 4 - 5 above list prices for ebooks elsewhere), I would not go anywhere near this device.
The thing about creators receiving more — nobody really disagrees, in public at least, but I don't think it really has anything to do with what the ideal prices for ebooks are.
This eBook formula would cause current prices for eBooks to increase and, at the same time, would guarantee Apple that the Publisher Defendants would not sell eBooks at lower prices elsewhere, such as through other eBook distributors, including Amazon.
Kindle Matchbook program offers customers discounted prices for eBooks if they buy print books from Amazon store.
They are for what Amazon has decided is a good range of prices for ebooks.
For a period of two years, the publishers can not, subject to certain conditions, hamper ebook retailers from setting their own prices for ebooks or, from offering discounts and promotions;
And he talks of how the bruising 2014 negotiations with Amazon were worth it because Hachette won the right to set its own prices for ebooks.
They are still setting the prices for their ebooks and paying retailers a commission, but retailers can discount the books as they wish and can sell them at a loss.
The potential publisher has to consider fix prices for ebooks and CEB, a domestic Chinese ebook format.
For two years, the publishers «will not restrict, limit or impede ebook retailers» ability to set, alter or reduce retail prices for ebooks and / or to offer discounts or promotions.»
With reasonable prices for ebooks, I am willing to take my chances on purchasing books that I'm not totally sure I will read, whereas for the more expensive ones, I will make darn sure this is something I will read before I pay for it.
Fortune: In the past, you've been a big proponent of lower prices for ebooks and an open opponent of the book publisher agency model, which allows the publisher to set the final retail price whether there's an intermediary retailer or not.
Publish wholesale prices for ebooks, payable by anyone who sells at least 100 units per year per publisher, create and publish an API, and let anyone who wants to run an ebook store as a front - end to the publishers» systems and charge whatever price they want as long as the publisher gets their wholesale price.
If publishers sustain prices for ebooks closer to hardcover and other printed books, at say $ 14.99, to benefit retailers of books, it harms the consumers, who will be paying a price premium that they otherwise wouldn't under the Amazon $ 9.99 model.
I buy indie ebooks (under $ 5) and paper publisher books through Prime because the prices for the ebooks are too high, I'd rather have paper.
I take it that everyone is fine with paying high prices for their ebooks if they believe that Amazon is the devil and the publishers are poor victims?
Hachette, as the publisher, would set prices for ebooks in a similar fashion to pricing for hardcover books.
Germany will soon finalize fixed prices for ebooks, but questions remain about how this will affect sales models and ebook adoption.
My only concern is that the publishers will try to increase their profits by putting pressure on Amazon to arbitrarily increase the prices for the ebooks.
Like the U.S. settlement, the proposed EU settlement requires Apple and settling publishers to terminate their agency agreements and, for two years, prevents publishers from «restrict [ing], limit [ing] or imped [ing] ebook retailers» ability to set, alter or reduce retail prices for ebooks and / or to offer discounts or promotions.»
I still pay for books, and I'm paying ridiculously jacked up prices for ebooks that were a lot less a year ago.
The agency model allows publishers to set the prices for eBooks rather then the vendors that sell them.
«As part of the unlawful agreements, and seeking to leverage its dominant position via the Apple iOS platform, Apple and the publishers agreed that prices for ebooks that were offered through the iBookstore would be calculated by a formula tied to physical books,» the lawsuit said.
What we really need is libraries nationwide to get together to negotiate prices for ebooks directly from publishers.
Global book - selling giant Amazon is charging consumers here much higher prices for ebooks, a survey by the Irish Independent has found.
their prices for ebooks are often lower than B&N.
Certain digital content is distributed under an agency pricing model in which the publishers set fixed prices for eBooks and NOOK receives a fixed commission on content sold through the eBookstore.
Second Amazon generally has the best prices for ebooks.
If readers become accustomed to paying such low prices for ebooks, will that also devalue the print book, which still accounts for about 80 % of most North American publishers» revenues?
Authors are starting to approach their publishing business more professionally, which is reflected in higher prices for ebooks and increased average earnings.
Why buy a new Kobo and pay higher prices for ebooks when you can get a lower price (sometimes $ 2.00 — $ 3.00 lower) for the same ebook at Amazon?
Potential authors may be interested to hear that XinXii offers up to 70 % cut of the sale prices for ebooks, which is quite better than the average, which is often closer to around 40 % -50 %.
The reading consumers are going to grow tired of paying outrageous prices for ebooks.
Since those publishers were forced to abandon the «agency pricing» model, in which the publishers dictate to the retailers how much the book will cost, they have renegotiated with something called Agency 2, which essentially lets the retailers set their prices for ebooks as long as the total discount over time doesn't exceed thirty percent.
So it's getting harder and harder to charge premium prices for eBooks.
Publishers are generally setting the retail prices for the eBooks at the same level (or sometmes roughly 10 % lower) than the print version of the same book.
I explained that the fight was about ebook prices and that while I agree with Amazon on how prices for ebooks are often too high, I don't like Amazon's tactics against Hachette authors in this.
By sticking to this loss - making practice, to create a perception amongst eBook buyers that they should not have to pay more than $ 9.99 for an eBook, and to thereby, over time, force publishers to drop their retail prices for eBooks.
But all this is assuming (A) ebook growth will continue to a saturation point — it could be this is all new and shiny and the early adopters are hoarding a lifetime's supply of books (B) as Joe pointed out, NY will hang onto artificially inflated prices for ebooks for too long and give lesser - known authors their one current competitive advantage of price and (C) people will still be willing to pay for ebooks, or any content, in five years.
Apple instead let publishers set their own prices for ebooks on the iPad — as long as those prices were the lowest offered on any platform — and then took a 30 % cut of revenue.
I've posted about this in the past, but as a brief refresher, what agency pricing means is that publishers get to set the prices for their ebooks.
I'll be dropping the prices for my ebooks right away to see what happens.
The normal price for this eBook is $ 9.99, but this week only, I am offering it as a free download at Amazon.
But the main thing is that the price for an ebook wouldn't be significantly less, since almost all of the price is due to the extortionate copyright fees the publisher had to pay to the journals for permission to reprint.
Tips: The most recent research from Smashwords determined that the best price for ebooks was between $ 2.99 and $ 3.99.
In wholesale model today, publishers set a digital list price, but the retailer sets the final price for ebooks.
At Amazon and other online retailers prices for an eBook can be as low as 99 cents.
It's a failure of clarity in my original article, but I'm not advocated for $ 2.99 as the perfect One True Price for all ebooks forever.
When you submit your eBook to us, you will provide a list price for your eBook in one or more currencies in accordance with the then current procedures listed in the Service Polices for list price submission («List Price»).
1.99 seems a reasonable price for an eBook.
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