Sentences with phrase «primary carer»

A "primary carer" is a person who takes the main responsibility for looking after someone else, such as a child, a sick or elderly family member, or a person with disabilities. They are typically the main person in charge of their care and well-being. Full definition
A study of expressed emotion in the parental primary carers of adolescents with intellectual impairment.
They watch everything around them and their parents, as primary carers, are their safe place in this big, wide - open world they've been born into.
This is done in relationship with others, with primary carers, usually mums and dads, but also very importantly, with others, and this is where early childhood educators come in to play a very important role.
Kinship care is when children can't live with parents, so relatives or friends become primary carers.
A total of 194 children presenting with a current anxiety disorder, whose primary carer did not meet criteria for a current anxiety disorder, were randomly allocated to full guided parent - delivered CBT (four face - to - face and four telephone sessions) or brief guided parent - delivered CBT (two face - to - face and two telephone sessions), or a wait - list control group (trial registration: ISRCTN92977593).
We prefer to use natural thyroid medication (NDT) such as Naturethroid from RLC labs, rather than T4 only levothyroxine commonly used by endocrinologists and primary carer physicians.
A TCN primary carer of a Union citizen minor can derive a right of residence based on Article 20 TFEU, if the denial of such a right would lead to both the carer and the minor being forced to leave EU territory.
The Zambrano judgment did not address issues of financial support and entitlement to benefits despite AG Sharpston's rejection of arguments about the non-EU primary carer being an «unreasonable burden» on public finances.
Because the majority of primary carers happen to be mothers they feature in more cases as the alienating than the alienated parent.
Two reviews (Vickers et al., 2004; Underdown et al., 2006) evaluated the effectiveness of infant massage (delivered by the mother or other primary carer) in improving a range of outcomes for both mothers and infants.
It is not clear, for instance, which family members can derive a right of residence as primary carer of an EU citizen's children, or what conditions govern the carer's residence right.
The Wife remained primary carer of E and D. Following divorce, but before E and D reached 18, the Husband formed a company which has been hugely successful.
Further, Aboriginal children whose primary carer had been forcibly separated from their natural family were found to be 2.34 times more likely to be at high risk of clinically significant emotional or behavioral difficulties than children whose carers were not forcibly separated.
So here I am, the leader of a global prayer movement, invited to go and speak at all the biggest conferences in the world, and I'm having to stay home to change nappies and be primary carer, because my prayers for my wife aren't working.
In practice, this means that parents can choose for fathers to be the primary carer of the child.
I have a couple of friends who have put careers on hold to be the primary carer of their children, and they tell me they are asked one question time...
Furthermore, policies that wittingly or unwittingly entrench mothers as primary carers and fathers as earners have consequences further down the line: when today's happy housewife becomes tomorrow's low skilled lone mum and pension - poor retiree; and today's confident breadwinner becomes tomorrow's angry divorced dad, with a tangential relationship with his children and substantially reduced care from them as he approaches old age.
A child with a secure attachment will be less distressed if they are separated from their primary carer, more confident mixing with others, and develop stronger social skills as they venture out into the big scary world, secure in the knowledge that there is a safe haven with you if they need it.
Glad To Be Dad: A Call To Fatherhood by Tim Myers Not rated yet Glad to be Dad: A Call to Fatherhood We need more male role models to share their experience of what it means to be the primary carer - and stepping...
There is a worrying new trend in the English courts to separate infants from their primary carers overnight, despite compelling evidence that this can be psychologically harmful to them.
Try to teach baby massage / yoga to the primary carer of the baby whenever possible.
She is co-author of the reports Carers Speak Out and Primary Carers.
This career stage coincides with the time when many women are considering starting families, and because women tend to be primary carers, they are more likely than men to end their STEM career at this stage,» the authors write.
After that, «I spent a lot of time at home being the primary carer while my partner went back to work,» he explains.
Interestingly, 66 per cent of students come from outside the school zone, a fact that staff ascribe to the large number of students whose primary carers are grandparents who live within the zone.
The boys» Russian mother, who lived in England, had been their primary carer and opposed the application.
Can the Netherlands deny a third - country national (TCN), who is the primary carer of Dutch children, the right to reside?
First, one has to assess who the primary carer is.
The CJEU here makes it clear that one can not assume that the mere existence of a Dutch father prevents the child from having to leave the EU, if his or her primary carer is forced to leave.
Firstly, this ruling is not only relevant for TCNs who are the biological mothers of Union citizens; the same obviously applies to fathers (see for example the Rendón Marín decision) or any other persons who are the primary carer of the child, such as, for example, the child's grandparent (see here S and G).
Under Article 20 TFEU, can a TCN mother derive a residence right in the home Member State of an EU citizen minor, if the mother is the primary carer of that minor?
In deciding the amount, DJ Million considered AM's allowance as C's primary carer as an independent item from those costs attributable to C directly.
If the needs of the primary carer are greater than would be satisfied by equal sharing, English law may therefore be financially advantageous for that party.
The wife's needs being seen as greater as she had given up her career to be the primary carer to the parties» children.
b) The application of the principles, weighting, ideology and suppositions of Payne v Payne (2001) could not have properly and comprehensively served the paramount interests of the children because, to paraphrase Wall's own words, they placed too great an emphasis on the «distress argument» of the primary carer and afforded too little regard to the harm done to the children as a consequence of a permanent breach of their meaningful relationship with the left - behind parent.
«Live with» orders tend to be made to a parent which whom a child spends most of their time and who may be considered their primary carer.
Her right of residence was not in doubt because she is a Zambrano carer, i.e. a non-EU citizen who was the primary carer of an EU citizen.
The court also heard evidence that the mother, who is the children's primary carer, had a mental disorder which could deteriorate if she returned to Norway.
Lindsay J accepted that Mr Hogg did repose trust and confidence in A who was his primary carer, but held that the transactions could be sufficiently accounted for by ordinary motives.
We might agree that it should not be so, but it self - evidently is currently the position that primary carers are overwhelmingly women.
The court observed that the father's impeccable record as primary carer, which should have been explored at first instance in oral evidence (but was not) was relevant to the assessment of the risk of a breach of the contact order.
The Ministry of Justice estimates that between 24 % and 31 % of all female offenders have one or more child dependents and an estimated 17,240 children are separated from their primary carers (usually mothers) by imprisonment every year.

Phrases with «primary carer»

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