Sentences with phrase «primary culprit»

Research suggests that human activity related to oil production and the timber industry are primary culprits in caribou declines.
There are probably two primary culprits at work here.
Eye watering cost of living is the primary culprit in this decline, but the growing vibrance of other scenes, as well as allegations of groupthink in the Valley, are playing a role too.
Some see the National Security Agency as the primary culprit here because it was the U.S. spy agency that found and exploited the Microsoft flaws in the first place.
Sinha and others make a convincing case that the primary culprit is a diet high in processed carbohydrates and sugar.
«The primary culprit was US rates revenue in the i - bank and a cost miss (could be partially FX driven).
The primary culprit for this kind of misalignment is the compensation committee.
In a research note on Friday, Bank of America - Merrill Lynch stated that global demand was the primary culprit behind crude's woes.
Instead, earnings were the primary culprit weighing on share prices.
But if the primary culprit were declining supply (as opposed to declining demand), one would expect to see inflation accelerate rather than decelerate.
More than half of this waste occurs in households and poorly - designed packaging is one of the primary culprits.
When you investigate further, you can trace back the effects to the primary culprit — dry air caused by the low humidity level inside your house.
Can you guess how I came to know that the hoverin» was the primary culprit to a pause?
Proteins take long to digest and are the primary culprits of fussiness, cramping, and gas.
If you are worried about a demagogue executive being too strong, the primary culprit is that your government has too much power and authority to begin with.
Piketty's primary culprit is the «rise of the supermanager»: the increased remuneration flowing to top executives and financiers who disproportionately comprise the top 1 per cent of incomes (there are many more Jamie Dimons than JK Rowlings).
At the same time, brown tide and algal blooms have negatively impacted the Peconic Bay and its scallops, and nitrogen from sewage systems and cesspools has been identified as «the primary culprit,» according to the release.
Agriculture is the primary culprit, says John Wahr of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
It is also clear that global warming's accelerated melting of the nearby Himalayan glaciers is not the primary culprit in the region's water deficit.
A deadly fungus, and not climate change as is widely believed, is the primary culprit behind the rapid decline of frog populations in the Andes mountains, according to a new study published today in the journal Conservation Biology.
The primary culprit in the recent flare - up caused by tainted steroids, Exserohilum rostratum, is not an especially picky eater.
The primary culprit seems to be the black carbon in soot, which soaks up any sunlight it can, thereby warming whatever it touches.
Whether an asteroid or a perfect storm turns out to be the primary culprit, says Sues, paleontologists still have a long way to go to explain why the resulting extinction killed off such a peculiar range of species.
A Michigan Technological University scientist has fingered non-native earthworms as a primary culprit in the decline of an iconic American tree.
But among some creatures, like the bats, disease seems to be the primary culprit.
The findings bolster the predominant hypothesis that amyloid accumulation is the primary culprit in Alzheimer's disease, says Alison Goate, a geneticist who studies Alzheimer's disease at Washington University in St. Louis.
The primary culprit for Mars» atmospheric loss is the solar wind!
In Glenner's scenario, amyloid - beta is the primary culprit, and that notion has been strengthened by studies of early - onset Alzheimer's, which accounts for about 5 % of Alzheimer's cases.
Atmospheric rivers have been the primary culprit of the heavy precipitation in California in the past week.
The primary culprit is a greenhouse gas called PM2.5, which accelerates aging as much as UV rays.
Sugar — that sweet stuff that's present in nearly three - quarters of the products we see on grocery market shelves — is not as sweet as it looks and may be the primary culprit behind the rise of metabolic diseases and non-fatty liver disease.
As a medical doctor who specializes in gut health, I've worked with numerous patients who, despite their best intentions, overlook a primary culprit for weight - loss resistance: an out - of - balance gut.
I find this «all or nothing» approach is a primary culprit in why I haven't been able to stick to things myself - it's really hard to be «perfect» all the time, and it's really NOT FUN either.
as I talked about in the in - depth overview of carbs recently — over-consuming added sugar in your food is one of the primary culprits in weight gain.
(Two other species, Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii, are the primary culprits in Europe and Asia.)
Primary culprits are MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) and Aspartame (NutraSweet).
Yet the conventional paradigm is extremely reluctant to accept that it is the sugar content of this diet that is the primary culprit.
While age is the primary culprit for low stomach acid, chronic stress that is so common in modern life will also reduce acid production.
Testosterone is the primary culprit.
But if fructose is low glycemic, why is it being pegged as the primary culprit in the obesity epidemic?
When you begin to review the evidence stacked up against whole grains, it becomes rather self - evident that our reliance on wheat and other grains may be one of the primary culprits for the poor health of so many.
Although there could be several factors involved, I have noticed two primary culprits that seem to be causing most of the problems; blood sugar imbalance and poor circulation.
One of the primary culprits of joint pain during the season is the impact forces of landing during high speed training means like jumps, plyometrics and ballistic power exercises like jump squats, bench press throws and the Olympic lifts (if you are inclined to use them).
Add to this the widespread consumption of refined foods, sugars, caffeine and alcoholic beverages, some of the primary culprits of the modern woman's monthly woes.
The primary culprit for these extra calories is the amount of sugar loaded into our daily drinks.
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