Sentences with phrase «primary driver of»

Warmista must adjust downward all historical data of new highs taken from the decades when, according to them, manmade CO2 had become the primary driver of climate change.
The «concern» (perhaps wrong word) about # 10 is that the historical link between co2 & temps does not prove that co2 is the primary driver of temps.
If CO2 or the Sun was the primary driver of the climate, there would not be such a difference in the trends / cycles in the two hemispheres.
The outlandish attempt to make fracked gas the new, holy version of Freedom Fries seems dumb until you remember Rick Perry is the guy who said fossil fuels could help prevent sexual assault in Africa and falsely (and I would add, incoherently) said that «the ocean waters and this environment that we live in» are the primary driver of climate change.
«Funding is a primary driver of any activist organization's behaviour,» writes Simonetti.
p. 240 «Productivity growth is the primary driver of the global economy, with per capita GDP projected to increase by more than 900 per cent over the coming century, compared to a 380 per cent increase over the 20th century.
«It is high time the ocean, as the primary driver of the planet's climate and attenuator of climate change, becomes a central part of climate change discussions.»
I, too, believe the oceans might well be a primary driver of climate change, but whether the human / nature ratio is 50/50, or less, or more than that is up for debate.
Study of southern California coastal wildfires has found the weather conditions (e.g. local temperatures) are the primary driver of the size of spring and summer fires in these landscapes.
And if CO2 forcing is not the primary driver of ice decline, a rebound may occur despite continued growth in CO2 emissions.
What do you believe is the primary driver of the increase in OHC — CO2 forcing or sunlight's non-infrared spectrum?
Trump has also appointed officials such as EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, all of whom question the scientific consensus that carbon released into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels is the primary driver of global warming.
The Kyoto framework, which imagined that carbon pollution limits could be the primary driver of the complete transformation of the global energy economy, has irretrievably failed.
[27] However, no consensus exists that man - made emissions are the primary driver of global warming or, more importantly, that global warming is accelerating and dangerous.
Oil used for transportation and coal used for electricity generation are the largest contributors to the rise in carbon dioxide that is the primary driver of observed changes in climate over recent decades.
AGW only makes the claim that CO2 is the primary driver of the warming trend seen over the last 100 years.
I ask for empirical evidence that human GHGs (principally CO2) have been the primary driver of past climate and therefore constitute a serious threat to humanity and our environment (the IPCC CAGW premise as outlined in its AR4 report).
markus October 26, 2014 at 10:58 am Reality: There is a consensus among climate science experts that man is the primary driver of global warming.
The scientific consensus that human activities are the primary driver of global climate change is now unequivocal.
Royer, D.L., R.A. Berner, I.P. Montañez, N.J. Tabor, and D.J. Beerling, CO2 as a primary driver of Phanerozoic climate, GSA Today, in press.
The conclusion that human influences are the primary driver of recent climate change is based on multiple lines of independent evidence.
THIRD The return of the bicentennial solar minimum cycle during the next 30 to 60 years will be the primary driver of cooler and dryer conditions world wide.
According to the report from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory released today, low module prices have been the primary driver of cost reductions for solar energy.
JMS, The primary driver of science is people asking questions and seeking answers.
The alternative position to the belief that the primary driver of temperature changes is the level of CO2 in the atmosphere is not that there are no physical causes of temperature change, but that that are many physical causes.
Ozone depletion in the late twentieth century was the primary driver of the observed poleward shift of the jet during summer, which has been linked to changes in tropospheric and surface temperatures, clouds and cloud radiative effects, and precipitation at both middle and low latitudes.
It doesn't look like an unusual finding to me, probably as good as you are going to get if you think GHGs are the primary driver of sea ice extent.
The evidence suggests a strong statistical relationship for the SO being the primary driver of temperatures and potential climate change.
2) As we are dealing with ice area, it is logical that the primary driver of area will be to do with ocean ice.
Right, the most significant positive and negative feedbacks because it's the primary driver of the radiation balance for both absorption, reflection and emission, especially if you count the surface - lower troposphere system.
And as a layman, the effects on the Earth's climate of the Big Ball of Fusion in the Sky, seems a more likely primary driver of climate, than a trace gas increasing at 4 ppm per year..
But as a primary driver of putative global warming its impact is evidently being greatly exaggerated.
The U.S. saw a small version of this between 2007 and 2009, when the economic downturn was the primary driver of a 10 percent drop in U.S. emissions.
Rigorous scientific research concludes that the CO2 emitted by human activities is the primary driver of a profoundly beneficial greening of our planet from its boost to life giving photosynthesis.
Climate change is also seen as the primary driver of melting ice and rise in sea level that threatens to submerge coastal cities and island nations.
It has pumped millions of dollars into research projects to cast doubt on mainstream climate science showing that the primary driver of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels.
The primary driver of Earth's hydrological cycle is more evaporation from a warming planet and warming seas (which climate engineering is making worse overall, not better).
Your side, the side that says human emitted CO2 is the primary driver of climate change, and which (hubristically) says that natural variation can not explain all the warming we've seen, can not explain why the warming has apparently stopped for almost two decades.
Environmental groups, both national and local, are opposing coal plants because they are the primary driver of climate change.
For example, the United States Enviornmental Protection Agency regulates several pollutants affecting air quality but does not currently regulate carbon dioxide, the primary driver of modern climate change.
I would assume that you don't reject that Milankovitch cycles are understood to be the primary driver of climate changes over the past few million years.
Solar SW is primary driver of OHC which is more strongly related to cloud, aerosol, turbidity and direct solar variations.
He says he believes natural fluctuations in the climate system could be the primary driver of global warming.
But it makes no sense to reject CO2 as a primary driver of climate change today because it looks, through the foggy glasses of time, like CO2 has not always completely controlled climate changes in the past.
World ocean surface temperature spikes were the primary driver of the new global surface temperature record with NOAA's measure showing a majority of months as hottest ever recorded for the world ocean.
«In most regions, unsustainable smallholder or commercial agriculture is a primary driver of deforestation that projects in our survey are trying to address,» says report co-author and Ecosystem Marketplace Associate Director Molly Peters - Stanley.
In the coming years, the role of the UN will remain important, but no longer be the primary driver of global change.
I will try to get some more specific answers for you and either correct or fill out this article, but I think the main gist of the argument is that there are other factors at play and the simple lack of a perfect correlation does not mean that CO2 is not the primary driver of the general warming seen since 1900.
c) the recent cooling of our planet, despite CO2 concentrations increasing to record level, has tended to falsify the premise that CO2 is a primary driver of our climate; until this apparent falsification can be scientifically refuted, the «dangerous AGW» premise remains an uncorroborated hypothesis at best; if this cooling should continue for another few years, the «dangerous AGW» hypothesis will become a falsified hypothesis.
«As Myanmar opens to global markets and concessions for global food production are on the rise, agribusiness has become the primary driver of deforestation in Myanmar.
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