Sentences with phrase «primary impetus»

From his spare yet enigmatic forms of the 1960s to his complex, multi-faceted assemblages and installations of more recent years, Tuttle's primary impetus throughout has been to craft unique objects, using everyday, often ephemeral materials, that demand to be confronted on their own terms.
Missionary translations of the message provided the primary impetus for this new form of Christian agency, preserving indigenous cultures by fixing them in written texts and preserving the traditional names of God in translating the Bible into new cultures.
The Chilcot report says: «The primary impetus to maximise the size of the UK contribution [to the invasion]... came from the armed forces» (executive summary, paragraph 811).
Indeed, a primary impetus for the expanded measurement under ESSA was to move away from NCLB's narrow view of student success: by establishing test scores as the «bottom line,» NCLB led many schools to focus exclusively on improving scores in tested subjects, which does not adequately prepare students to thrive in a competitive and complex global economy.
Elizabeth's desire to impact student learning more broadly is the primary impetus for her work.
The Institute recognizes that the primary impetus for this meeting is the need to assure that inflatable side impact protection does not have unanticipated side effects for occupants who might be out of position at the time of deployment.
So that was the primary impetus for the artistic style and writing tone.
Essentially inspired by the urban environment, the primary impetus behind his works is the growth and shifting nature of a city.
The increasing incidence of Investment disputes between investors and African state governments was the primary impetus for the formation of the SALI Club.
Few differences attributable to age or gender constellation of the sibling dyad emerged, and rivalry did not appear to be a primary impetus to conflict during this age period.
The primary impetus for this change is the divorce itself.
The primary impetus came from the crisis in Asia and the collapse of the Russian economy.
We like to think that one reason stands out from all the others; and that very reason is the primary impetus for why we decided to join them: service.
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