Sentences with phrase «primary language spoken»

Less than half of Latina mothers reported English as the primary language spoken at home (43 %), but only one adolescent chose to complete measures in Spanish.
Unlike any other Central American country, English is the primary language spoken in Belize.
After that, English became the primary language spoken in the area.
English is the primary language spoken lots of places, with around 20 % of the world speaking and reading it.
English is the primary language spoken just about everywhere.
The charter schools run by Achievement First include far fewer Latino students than are in the surrounding community, have far few students who are not proficient in the English language and far more students who go home to households where English is the primary language spoken.
30 % of students come from families where the primary language spoken in home is not English.
All students are given a home language survey asking parents to indicate the primary language spoken in the home.
More than 60 percent of the students come from families where English is not the primary language spoken at home.
The area has a high population of immigrant families, and more than 60 percent of students come from homes in which English is not the primary language spoken.
Although Berkeley's student assignment plan allows parents to rank - order their first - choice, second - choice, and third - choice schools, it considers a number of factors in the actual assignment process, including the parent's level of education, income, and primary language spoken at home.
• The effect of the hybrid - format course did not vary when controlling for race / ethnicity, gender, parental education, primary language spoken, score at the standardized pretest, hours worked for pay, or college GPA.
The number of students who have felt unwelcome or rejected by a particular group because of their academic ability, athletic ability, beliefs, ethnicity, family income, gender, hobbies / interests, home neighborhood, primary language spoken, musical interest, personal appearance, race, sexual orientation, or style.
The number of students who have ever been part of a group that rejected others, based on academic ability, athletic ability, beliefs, ethnicity, family income, gender, hobbies / interests, home neighborhood, primary language spoken, musical interest, personal appearance, race, sexual orientation, or style.
The group among the following that appears to be the most difficult to break into: a group formed based on academic ability, athletic ability, beliefs, ethnicity, family income, gender, hobbies / interests, home neighborhood, primary language spoken, musical interest, personal appearance, race, sexual orientation, or style.
The number of students who are aware of school cliques based on any of the following: academic ability, athletic ability, beliefs, ethnicity, family income, gender, hobbies / interests, home neighborhood, primary language spoken, musical interest, personal appearance, race, sexual orientation, and / or style.
Although French is the official language in some countries, the primary language spoken on missions in general is English.
The database provides demographic information, including the primary language spoken by parties in the incidents, towns and hamlets where incidents took place and the victim's relationship to the offender.
Individualism may be the primary language spoken in the U.S., but it is not the only language.
Dari and Pashto are the primary languages spoken in Afghanistan, where the interactive work of public art In Search of the Truth (The Truth Booth), by Cause Collective artists Ryan Alexiev, Jim Ricks and Hank Willis Thomas, recently toured.

Not exact matches

One of the primary barriers to cash - flow modeling, however, is that most small and medium - size business owners don't speak the language of accountants.
There's been a push to offer bilingual packaging and signs in the United States, but with such a large segment of the population not speaking English as a primary language, the audience certainly deserves more tailored attention.
In fact, in the past 9 years there have only been 3 topics people discussed, regardless of their race, religion (even atheists), culture, gender, or primary language: they only spoke of (1) God, (2) family, and (3) relationships with other people & regrets / joy for those relationships.
So, when you vaguely tell me something from some textbook, you will understand that I will be wanting to speak from primary sources, as they are all available and voluminous and are currently read all over the world in many languages.
What needs demythologizing is the secondary language in which the primary was expressed, the language which speaks in a «worldly» way of what is «unworldly», the language of Jewish apocalyptic mythology or of Hellenistic Gnostic mythology.
Finding and learning to speak love in your child's primary love language will go a long way to helping them feel that their father loves them and makes them a priority in his life.
Discover your child's primary language — then speak it — and you will be well on your way to a stronger relationship with your flourishing child.
However, Aylet says that sign language will actually accelerate your baby's verbal skills: «If your little one is growing up in a house and community full of people who use speech as their primary means to communicate, then when your baby or toddler can speak, he / she will.
In England, almost one in five primary school pupils speak a language other than English at home.
While P.S. 130 has strong test scores, TriBeCa parents were concerned about the school's stricter rules, including a requirement that students must wear uniforms, and parents also worried their children would have trouble making friends because 70 percent of incoming kindergarteners at P.S. 130 do not speak English as a primary language.
A similar but distinct language disorder called primary progressive aphasia can rob an individual of his or her ability to speak clearly, said Argye Elizabeth Hillis, professor and director of the cerebrovascular division of neurology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Thirty families spoke English as the primary language, but nearly one - third of families identified their households as bilingual.
The mind only speaks in your primary language; all of the other levels communicate in a language that is more like a melody, a sensation or an impulse.
Chapman suggests that everyone has their own «primary» language, which essentially means that everyone has a way of communicating love that speaks to them the most.
When one person's primary love language is «gifts» and the other's is «words of affirmation», they are each speaking a foreign «love language» to their partner.
However, they speak Russian as their primary language.
I am educated, speak English as my primary language and am learning both Italian and French.
English is the primary language in the U.S. and Australia, and many Europeans speak it as a second language.
The authors argue visual literacy is especially important for primary school aged children, as they are making the transition from «viewing and speaking to formal language acquisition and incorporate the rules of speaking and writing, and from making marks and drawing to letters, language and text - based learning».
To gauge public views on this issue, we asked people whether immigrant children «who are not proficient in speaking English should initially be placed in English - speaking classrooms» or «initially be placed in classrooms taught in their primary language
Most of these low - income families were white and spoke English as their primary language.
The primary version covers: • Early reading and phonics • Reading for enjoyment • Reading comprehension • Writing environment • Writing composition — a curriculum fit for purpose • Writing composition — vocabulary, grammar and punctuation • Writing transcription — spelling and handwriting • Spoken language • Leadership and assessment This sample section focuses on leadership and assessment.
Many educators and political leaders warned that the passage of Proposition 227 would be a catastrophe for the one in four California students who do not speak English as their primary language.
This meant that Abdullahii Mire had to transfer from his previous school to Unity Primary within Dagahaley and learn a new language in school, called Swahili, Kenya's second most spoken language.
Trying to achieve the Common Core's English language arts standards while teaching primary school pupils in Spanish in an English - speaking country is insane.
To enable pupils in local primary and two partner secondary schools to acquire basis Chinese language for listening and speaking.
I've also be clear that I believe the reason the test scores are higher is that not only are classrooms sizes small etc. etc. but that AF and other charters are pulling those students that are less poor, speak primarily English, do not go home to households that don't have English as their primary language and have fewer special education needs.
See the bulleted list of suggestions at the end of the article for ways teachers can provide primary language support when they don't speak the language (s) of the student.
Achievement First — Hartford, Jumoke Academy, Achievement First — Elm City College Preparatory, Achievement First — Amistad, Achievement First — Bridgeport are all MORE RACIALLY IMBALANCED and all fail to educate their fair share of non-English speaking students, students who come from households in which English is not the primary language and students who need special education services.
6 aren't fluent in English, 10 others speak English but come from homes where English is not used as their primary language and 5 students have special education needs.
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