Sentences with phrase «primary meaning of sex»

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If that's true, it's hard to escape the conclusion that the primary purpose of sex is profoundly relational: it's meant to tightly unify husband and wife in a profound, material metaphor of the self - giving love shared within the Trinity.
Centred upon the Incarnation as the meaning of all things (cf. articles on «The Primacy of Christ» in Faith January 2006, 2007 and 2008), the separation of the sexes into male and female finds its primary meaning in God becoming man, where the female principle is essential to the enfleshing of the Logos.
They said the key messages from the study were that stroke is a highly preventable disease globally, regardless of age and sex; that the relative importance of modifiable risk factors means there should be development of regional or ethnic - specific primary prevention programs, and that additional research on stroke risk factors is needed for countries and ethnic groups not included in INTERSTROKE.
The three women find the factors have the primary meaning of same - sex encounters online dating sites the process is successful in its objective in the short - term outcome and long term.
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